Rainbow Monti.

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This morning i was just pming Curt about my rainbow(specially after seeing Beakerbob's rainbow :p) because mine still looks like ....well poo poo :p .... your twin looks better than mine Mike :) .
i do my water changes every week, i run phosban reactor, carbon and i believe i got a decent flow :p (1 1200 maxijet, 1 tunze nano, and a little powerhead).
on a positive note... it's been growing and has red polyps :p... but other than that.... the freaking base doesn't wanna turn blue :doubt::p.
i'm starting to think that my lighting could be the problem (1 175 14k MH) but i doubt it and i have mine right in the middle of the right corner.
i think i just need to wait and be patient :oops::) (at least i got red polyps right :p:lol:)

i'll try posting a pic :)
This is what Curt told me :) .

Brown SPS can be caused by a number of factors. High nutrients, inadequate lighting, it can also be caused by the coral adjusting to it's new tank. I've seen some SPS take 5, 6, 7 months to color up.
Well I got a real small peice and my brother got a piece bigger than mine(still less than the size of a dime) and his completely bleached. Mine started to bleach and I moved it down then it stopped. But it is still brown. Do I have too much light? 500 watts of mh over my 60.
Nice pieces btw Mike. Are those what you got from Bolun?
The frag I got is ths size of a single zoanthid. Oh well can't complain, it was free. lol
Mine and Gabby's are twins, purchased from Barrier Reef. Mine is directly under one of my 250s near the top and has a large SEIO blowing across it.
bleached is not a good sign dood, i'm far from expert in these things :p....but if i was you i'd lower it a little, the same for your brother's because they might be getting to much light.

so Mike do you think, i should mount mine way up high? (sorry Edwing dood for the highjacking ...i'll promise i'll stop :p)
awesome dood, next weekend when i go to Barrier Reef i'm gonna get me some glue and mount the monti on my magnet scraper and put it all the way to the top :p :) .

I think I may have to get a frag of that Rainbow Monti mike..... Hmm.

i thought you were only into anemones :p:D
awesome dood, next weekend when i go to Barrier Reef i'm gonna get me some glue and mount the monti on my magnet scraper and put it all the way to the top
Magnets work great for Capricornus, I think Don promoted the idea. Sometimes the edges of the tank aren't lit as well as under the bulb depending on the reflector and tank dimensions. If you have some rock, place it at the highest point under your lights.
t kind of coral is the rainbow monti? i think your frags look great and i am considering getting one for m tank and just whant to make sure that i am able to provide for it befor i get it
Rainbow Monti is a Montipora Dinae, encrusting type. This group includes superman, purple haze, poker star, sunset, etc. The popular names are based on mantle and polyp colors. They like very good water, high in calcium and alkalinity, good lighting, and water flow. I have lost one and have friends with GREAT tanks who have lost one. Not easy to keep and typically very slow growers. If SPS corals are growing and in good color in your tank, go for it. If not, start with one a little less demanding and more affordable.
Good Reefing!
i totally agree with Mike :)...he knows what he's talking about.

i know it's my fault my rainbow monti is like this... but i will do my best to bring the colors back... even if it is the last thing i do on earth :shock::p
Hi Gaby,

Montipora danae, in our experiences, color best under as much light as you can get them into. I'd definately move yours up if you can. When its time to change your halide bulb, it might be beneficial to look into getting a bulb with as much PAR output as possible. Some of the 14k's are pretty weak, while others score a little better. One of our clients put a superman frag under two 400w hamilton 14,000K bulbs and it slowly started browning out. We switched to CoralVue Reeflux 10k and it colored right back up within two weeks.
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