Rash from Hammer coral?

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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2012
Coeur d'Alene, ID
random question--when cleaning my tank the past 3 months or so, I've noticed when I've accidentally brushed gently against one of my hammer corals, over the next couple days, I've had a severe rash on my forearm where it touched it that will last for weeks and itch like MAD. Is that normal? I didn't know they could do that. In all the time my husband took care of the tank before me, he never had that issue. Maybe I just have sensitive skin? Like i said, I've only barely brushed against it on accident when cleaning the tank....
As I stated in you other thread, Yes you can be very sensitive to coral sting. And those type coral do sting. Everyone is different. You are going to have to be very careful doing anything in the tank. Reacting like that, you should really not be exposing yourself to the water or anything in it. If you can find some good rubber gloves to wear it would help.
I get it all the time with other corals too. It itches like crazy! I usually put some hydrocortisone on it and a bandage. I know you are not suppose to cover it up with a bandage...otherwise I will keep on scratching at it. I use most of the bandages in the house lol. Sometimes that same spot will itch again as soon as I dip my arm in the tank. Argg...part of this hobby I guess.
All people are different, I can handle my torch and nems with no issues but other people will break out and itch. The only time I get itchy is when they brush up on the underside of my arm. In the fiture if you have to handle a nem or torch use your palm as that is where you skin will be the thickets and it wont irritate. If anything the rash will go away in a day or so, if not maybe go see a doc?
you can also go to a "feed" store and get the disposable shoulder length gloves they use to do exams etc on lage animals.
In 30+ years I only have had reactions like yours to the Euphylia corals no others not even Paly's. My reactions are not to bad but definitely something I stay aware of when doing in tank maintenance.
my Heliofungia actiniformis gets me a little if I brush against it more than once or twice. after all it their perogative to defend themselves.