RBTA and hammer head

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Jun 28, 2007
Chesterfield Missouri, USA
RBTA and hammer head
I have a Hammer head coral I had to remove and place in a holding tank. Reason being I have a thread fin butterfly nipping at it and the RBTA.

Now sense adding two clown fish they obviously defend the RBTA and that worked great just as I expected.

Question is. How close could I place the hammer with the hope of the same protection?

I know occasionally clowns will go in hammers.

But I'm unfamiliar if there could be serious reactions between the BTA and Hammer?

Obvious solution is remove the butterfly, but otherwise do I have a possible chance to make this idea work?

Thanks for all help.
If your hoping that the clowns with also protect the hammer and are willing to take that chance, you could probably go as far to placing the hammer as close as possible without touching the rbta. The thing is that both of them grow pretty fast so I would keep an eye out on them making contact.

I have a rbta pretty close to a euphylia (frogspawn); they seem to coexist quite well. As long as your rbta is not wandering all around you should be fine.
i have a hammer about 3-5" from a GTA... nemo doesn even care about it....

yesterday dureing feeding time (5:30) nemo was all the way up in the top left corner, where i feed.... (not normal, he doesnt leave his home more then a foot or 2) anyway he got spooked and jeted back 2 the GTA.... he hit it with such force.. that it like imploded, and the hammer got the wake as he went flying by... it was cool
BTA is stronger. Butterfly fish are known for nipping at LPS, SPS, and anemones....
What kind do you have?
If you're more attached to the BF, then I'd suggest getting rid of the hammer. If you prefer the hammer, I'd get rid of the BF.

Thanks Nick, I'm trying this experiment today the Hammer is up stream from the BTA. So far the thread fin butterfly is not bothering it. The distance is about 4in apart. I'm going to monitor this behavior. I'm hoping the butterfly will continue this behavior and if it will then as things develop I will start to move the Hammer further away.

so far so good, I hope the RBTA will not decide to move away, but that is why I asked about the stronger of the two. hopefully the RTBA will stay put.
Thanks Nick, I'm trying this experiment today the Hammer is up stream from the BTA. So far the thread fin butterfly is not bothering it. The distance is about 4in apart. I'm going to monitor this behavior. I'm hoping the butterfly will continue this behavior and if it will then as things develop I will start to move the Hammer further away.

so far so good, I hope the RBTA will not decide to move away, but that is why I asked about the stronger of the two. hopefully the RTBA will stay put.

Just realized your in Chesterfield. I live in the Fenton area...

One of the major issues you're going to have is that the Auriga/Threadfin Butterflys will cheerfully eat coral polyps. So I think you're gonna have re-occuring problems with this.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the RBTA can and will move itself to a more desirable location if it isnt happy where its at.
