RBTA wasting away

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maybe your salinity meter is off but IMHO it is a food thing. Whether it is too late for this guy (as in beyond eating) only you know. As a new anemone owner I am kind of sensitive. I hope yours makes it.
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Food will definitely help the anemone thrive and cope with stress but I've seen them live with no direct feeding. But you'd end up with much slower growth. There was a study done in Hawaii or somewhere where they raised giganteas to full size with no feeding at all.
The food thing would not explain why the xenia and the gps had not been doing well either.

I got my anemones to feed when I first go them all bleached by holding a small piece of food like a scallop next to the mouth until it opened up and ate. Otherwise, the tentacles would not grab the food and would drift away.
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High Alk

I brought back a very bleached out RBTA to a large healthy specimen, and it was in high alks. I have been fighting high alks for ever and it did not seem to affect my RBTA at all, it did effect my GSP thou. They are slowing getting into a normal range, but in m y case they did not affect my RBTA at all.
I am going to go with Hig Alk as well.... I don't it will eat if it is all shriveled up, it is worth a shot though. I don't feed mine very often because when I do they get to big and begins to encroach on the SPS.
I just noticed that I had hit the wrong button. OOPS!!! Salinity level is actually 1.027.

So, I don't know if I jinxed myself or what but I noticed my calcium reactor was not dripping into my tank. So, I unplugged the inlet and purged a good size stream into the sump, not thinking, and immediately my xenia, gsp, and bta shriveled up and look horrible. I shut off the reactor and dripped kalk all night and got the pH back up to where I am used to running. They are all now recovering but it is taking an amazing amount of time, a couple days and they still aren't back to normal. Is it possible you are getting some sort of spike that could be irritating them? Like I said my parameters where all back to normal fairly quickly, and the weird thing is my SPS seemed to not be affected in the least. I don't understand it, but thought it might be helpful to you when trying to help your RBTA.