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Admiral Awesome

Active member
Jan 23, 2009
I have a 14 gallon biocube. I have got a bubble in there, a monti, pulsing xenia, hammer coral, green star polyp, ricordia. Does anyone have any suggestions on an expensive coral that I could put in there? I was thinking along the lines of either some superman zoas. If you know a place with superman zoas, let me know.
Put up a pic of the tank so we can see the layout of your current corals. Sometimes something sounds great but doesn't look right with the rest of what you have.

why would you think buy'n "expensive" coral was cool?

why not start with holding a tank down for a few years and making sure everything you have lives and thrives B4 biting off something that cost more then normal?
The problem with the jaw fish is that i can't grow it and then frag it to earn money.I have never had a death in my tank (knock on wood). So i want something that i can grow and make money off of.
I know where you are coming from, but trust me you will NEVER make any money at this hobby! If you aren't spending every spare penny you have on your tank you can't be a true reefer lol!

I do, but if i could. I would like to spend every dime on a really nice coral and then over a long period of time, be able to frag and at least trade or something.
buy a bigger tank lol what kind of light do you have on the cube?any upgrades to the unit protein skimmer bigger pump for flow
buy a bigger tank lol what kind of light do you have on the cube?any upgrades to the unit protein skimmer bigger pump for flow

I have a 72 gallon with a lionfish, but i can't invest a bunch of money since i can't take that one to college in a year and a half. I need to keep it small. Nothing has been modified apart from minor filter mods.
id look into a upgrade on the light anemones need a least 6 watts a gallon get a skimmer too they don't like dirty water like the zoo's and the other softies in your tank does your lion eat frozen ?
If you're looking at fragging for cash then I'd get my hands on some unusual looking acan or chalice. Looks like you've got room in there for something like that.

You crack me up.

You can't make off this hobby or break even.
With interest rate at all time low, I need to take out another mortgage for my coral spending habits:lol::lol:

Well you MIGHT be able to unless your name is caitlen, then you have a fever for more corals.

To be honest im sure some cash could be made with farming high end zoas, and acans.

Same with if you were to just find stellar deals when people break down, and storing the stuff for resale. But for me its not about turning a profit its about finding and growing cool **** that you can trade later.

just my .2