red algae and phosphate?

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Apr 18, 2006
Coeurdalene , ID
is that red slimy lookin algae that i see in some tanks due to phosphate? just curious so ill know if my tank gets it, thanks.
Red Slime Algae is usually Cyanobacteria. Most algaes are due to some type of overload in phosphates or nutrients. Red Slime Algae isn't actually a true algae as much as it's a bacteria. One of the most effective ways to combat it is to increase flow. If you notice it popping up in certain areas, increase flow to those areas. Also, if you do get it, syphon it up manually.
Good luck with it and don't be discouraged. We all experience at one point or the other and is usually seen in newly setup tanks. Also, make sure to use ro/di water:)
Krish is absolutely right. Forums make it sound so is definately a nuisance...however, it's not something that should defeat you. You'll get me. As Krish said, we all get it. Just take things slow and you'll beat it. Just wait until you end up with hair algae attached to your live rock!!! Can't just siphon that
i have it !! i have it and i have it !! :p:D .
yeah this thing is hard but it won't go for long when i use my toothbrush tactics :badgrin: :D .
may be increasing your flow and your water changes will do it dood :) .
it takes time and the tank looks ugly but you can do it dood !! .
LOL Spongebob, I had to use the toothbrush tactic once. It sucked. I removed every piece of live rock, had a large container of saltwater and held each piece of rock under water while brushing!! As I sucked!!! Oh, did I mention that it sucked ROCKS!!!???

LOL!!! what you need to do first is ... feel the toothbrush, talk to the toothbrush.... kiss the toothbrush :D... you also gotta love your rocks otherwise it doesn't work :p .
last time i cleaned my rocks with the toothbrush.. i got my 1 foot fire worm out :p ..... i hope i don't find anything this time around hehe .
Yes as every one said Cyano is Evil! I have resently beat it! Im so glad all i did was I added more flow decreassed feeding. Did alot of water changes and tada! The big thing was to add more flow
I had alittle bit of it on one rock and I just blasted it off with a turkey baster and kept up on water changes and its never has come back
turning the lights off for a day or two will also help. just make sure your water doesnt have nitrates, phosphates or iron to feed the algees. then avoid buildup of these nutrients in your tank by feeding fresh or frozen foods rinsed in rodi water. flake foods will add nutrients and so will frozen if not rinsed to remove the preservatives. skimming will help remove organic wastes before they turn into nitrates. also check any supplements or additives you are using, you would be amazed how many have phosphates or nitrates in them. dint leave any filter media in place without cleaning for more than a couple days, like socks of canister filters.