Krish, my routine is, when I walk by the tank and I have some time, about every week or two (sometimes three) I rinse out 4 sponge prefilters I have on intakes. When I go boating and I remember to bring some empty bottles I collect some water, maybe twice in the summer, Then I change some water. If I happen to collect some wierd thing along with the water and it looks like it won't eat everything in my tank I take that too. I powerwash the rocks and gravel about three four or five times a year, again, when I get time.
Time is very important to me. Money is a renewable resource, they throw it at me every week but time is something I can't find enough of.
The problem is that we have so many close friends ,(from high school) and we are a big crowd, someone is always having a party for something and we spend the entire summer on our boats, some of these boats are huge. Last night was another late one. Today it is supposed to snow a foot so after snowblowing I will have some time for the tank. My light needs rebuilding before it falls in the tank. I will retire in about two years and hope to get a much bigger tank and spend some "time" wrighting a book that I started in the seventees. Well, now it's "time" to start the snow blower.