My Mother is still with us (barely) and is in a nursing home. Last week I had some time and did a massive tank cleaning. I removed most of the rock and stirred everything up. I even lifted the RUGF plates to clean under them. The last time I did this was about 4 years ago, the time before that was 25 years ago. That was because of the moorish Idol which would eat more than all of the other fish combined many times over.
This afternoon I decided to take some water to a local LFS to do some water tests. My test kits are older than most members here so I doubt they are even close to accurate. People always publish their water parameters so I was curious what mine were and instead of buying kits the store tests them for free so it's a no brainer. I really wanted to test the salinity because I use one of those swing arm testers and they are close to useless so I test it against a refractometer then I draw a line on it where my salinity should be, but if you really need to spend $150.00 on one of those, by all means, go for it.
I found my salinity to be low, my nitrates to be zero and my calcium to be 400. I was very surprised at the nitrate reading but that was no doubt my very thorough cleaning a couple of weeks ago. I also have about a third of the rock still out of the tank. It takes me a few weeks to put everything in because I get ideas along the way and if it is all in there it is harder to visualize.
I still have hundreds of tiny brittlestars, they go sailing often when they crawl on the powerheads and get onto the outflow.
I bought a copperband because I have always had one and they are my favorite fish, I am not crazy at the way he eats but he does eat. (my last one was better but I can't tell him that)They can be finicky at first. I hope to have him eating salami sandwiches soon, maybe with bananas
The tank is very clean and I am not used to seeing it that way. The crabs seem bored. I want to fill the tank with gobies as that was always my wish. I hope I don't get sidetracked with some moorish Idols along the way.
Have a great day.