Reef Frontiers Chat

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Reef Keeper
Jul 5, 2003
Alright then, as requested by the masses we are going to have a scheduled chat starting Monday June 21st and every Monday after that. The chat will begin at 5:30 pacific time and will go as long as you want. Please use the below mentioned info to help you get on board. Also the chat will be open to all who want to log onto it anytime of the day or night. With the help of Macbeth (Eric) we are going to trick it out a bit and make it a resource for information. As in you type in a subject you would like info on and it will automatically give you a list of resources for that subject. So hopefull it will be a neat thing. Anyway hope to see you all thier.

For those of you that don't yet have an IRC cleint, here are some places to download one.

If you are new to IRC I HIGHLY recommend you start out with the old staple Mirc. Mac user should try Ircle. Finally for *nix users, there is the ever popular BX client.

Win Mirc:
Mac Ircle:
& BX:

The network we will be using is AfterX (formerly Xnet). You can connect to it at "" For most of you this will mean using Mirc and typing "/server" in the "Status" window.
The channel name is #Reeffrontiers (Who'da Thunk?).

That should cover most of the basics. Now lets hammer out a good time for the first chat.


That should cover most of the basics. Now lets hammer out a good time for the first chat.

5:30 PST?

Thanks Erik for posting the links and the effort put into the chat. I think the "help" option Mike implemented will make this chat unique.

I finally have an IRC program that seems to be working, but anyone with a MAC and knows what they are doing in regards to IRC and ircle, please let me know - I may need some help. I've played with it a little bit, and I don't know if I'm doing things right.
Uh oh, I'm gunna have all you OFR's on my hands that soon! I made some more progress on the Linked Resource Library, but it is not yet ready to be activated. Well, I'll be sure to pop in for a few this evening and I hope to see many of you there.

Macbeth417 said:
Uh oh, I'm gunna have all you OFR's on my hands that soon! I made some more progress on the Linked Resource Library, but it is not yet ready to be activated. Well, I'll be sure to pop in for a few this evening and I hope to see many of you there.


Hey, who are you calling an OFR? :eek:
Some of you may have already used mIRC, however, this is an important thing to do once you have decided on a Nickname (alias) and will use that during chat.

So let's say i would like to use Elmo18 as my alias on the server.

I would need to register that name so no one else can use it, except myself, because it can lead to problems (i.e. someone else using your alias).

So to register my nickname, i would type this in, AFTER i have logged into the server.
Type this and press Enter/Return, do not include the " " .

"/ns register PASSWORD EMAIL"

Replace PASSWORD with a password of your choice.
Replace EMAIL with your ACTUAL email, as it will send an automatic email to you with a code that you must use to verify.

Again, looking forward for the chat.

- Elmo
OK - I don't get how I was registered and now I'm not? Erik - PMed ya. Anyone with an Apple that knows what the heck they are doing - let me know.....
YAHOO! Found someone fluent in Apple - I'm all set
the one other thing i noticed when playing around today was that each time you join the #reeffrontiers channel that you have to do a /msg nickserv identify PASSWORD in order to get it to recognize you as a registered user. if you don't do this or automate it then you can't chat on the channel.

just thought i'd toss this out.
Is it possible that we all could meet on Yahoo? I figured that would be faster? Capitivated By Saltwater in Pet Section or something in the hobby section? If we set a time and presidence. It could be fun. DO YOU YAHOO?

mattseattle said:
the one other thing i noticed when playing around today was that each time you join the #reeffrontiers channel that you have to do a /msg nickserv identify PASSWORD in order to get it to recognize you as a registered user. if you don't do this or automate it then you can't chat on the channel.

just thought i'd toss this out.

When you select the server from the list. You just edit the server and enter the password. I already forgot what to type but you can use the perform function to log on. This will take you straight in.

Ok I figured it out

Set password by editing the server.
Under options on left. Add /join #reeffrontiers and check use perform box.
Then check connect on start-up box.
That should connect you as soon as mirc opens.

Witful - yeah I knew the reason it was done. I just wanted to remind everyone that you have to log in (so to speak) before you can chat on the #reeffrontiers channel.