reef safe butterfly fish

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Northwest Aquatics
Sep 21, 2005
Kirkland, Wa.
I am looking for a colourful, reefsafe, and hardy butterfly fish, right now theres no tangs in my tank... I had to remove the Sailfin and he is happy in another 135gal. system..

the butterfly will go in a 160gal. system and other tank mates are 3 blue hawaiian chromis, 1 foxface rabbitfish, 1 coral beauty, 1 yellow watchman goby and 2 gold striped maroon clowns/maited pair..

I do have inverts, such as cleaner shrimp, 2 pepperment shrimp, 1 porcelan crab, and numerous/ about 30 redleg hermit crabs. also some turbo snails. I tried a copperband but they are just too delicate... help!!!!

1: Atoll butterfly fish, 2: Lemon butterflyfish, 3: pearlscale butterflyfish, 4: yellow longnose butterfly fish..

I am also thinking about a Barhead rabbitfish... Opinions please??

Happy Holidays, Jeff
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i don't know about all of the ones listed, but i would be careful with any butterfly you pick. They all can pick on corals depending on what you keep. Every fish is different, so I would strongly recommend picking one from an established tank that has similar corals so that you KNOW it is likely to be reefsafe. Personally I love the pearlscales, but I know they can pick, so I haven't done one yet.

The rabbitfish on the otherhand can be a great grazer if you have any algae, and they are pretty hearty as well. Great personality and a bit less likely to pick on corals.

IMO, I would try to find the healthiest Lemon or Millet seed buttefly as possible, they are pretty and hardy. Next up would be the Longnose, followed finally by the pearlscale...they dont ship nearly as well as the others...

If money isnt an issue, the Tinkerii and Burgess butterflies are very pretty and are deep water planktivores....only issue with those is the cost and insuring that they have been properly decompressed.

Thanks guys, I ended up going with the Barhead wabbitfish, he/she has cool colors and gets along quite well with everyone in the tank, I was expecting a little problem with the foxface, but that didn't happen at all.. after acclimation, he was eating in just a few minutes.... I still want a butterfly also.. I am thinking a lemon, or a pearlscale.. but really like the longnose...Happy Holidays..Jeff ps. Max be safe rollin the patrol bubble, I did the job for 5yrs..
Absolutely Jeff, I'm adamant about coming home safe everynight.
Good luck with the tank, please keep us posted.
Merry Christmas.

i have had a copperbanded butterfly for about 6 months. hes great, i know he dose eat some things i wish he wouldnt but my tank was over run by aptasia and it took him about 3 weeks to get them all. i will never be without a copperbsnd again . he really dosnt bother the coral to much.