Reef Salt???

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Jul 7, 2005
I was wanting to get opinions on what salt people think is the best and what they use. I've used a couple of different brands (both said Nitrate and Phosphate free) and I just to get an idea of what's the best.

I use instant ocean and reef crystals. I.O. in fish only and R.C. in reef tanks. I go thru alot of salt. I do tank maintence. I like I.O. alot. Its consistent, and easy to get, priced fair, and it is used more than any other salt. Which means they make more, which means it will be around in the future.
Salt selections

Hi Steven we used to have a poll going on this on who all was using I tried to find it but was unsuccessfully. The last time I remember seeing it Instant Ocean was clearly in the lead If any one can find that Poll I am sure it would Help Steven out Any ideas gang?
I use Kent. It is a local company and easy to find here. Not expensive and works great with weekly water changes.
I'm really glad to hear that because IO is next to the cheapest around here and that is what I decided to get. At $23 per 0 lb bag I'm sure I'm getting ripped off but there's only one LFS within 75 miles of home and then a petco. It's a nightmare just walking into that place but the solids are cheaper. I would definitely not buy livestock from there. They got mad at me because I ordered a bubletip from them and when they came in I didn't like the way they looked and demanded my money back. I guess that's why no one will talk to me when I go in except the managers. That and, I went in and counted over 140 dead fish and complained to the corporate managers. Thanks again all! I appreciate the input.

immedicatdru2 said:
I'm really glad to hear that because IO is next to the cheapest around here and that is what I decided to get. At $23 per 0 lb bag I'm sure I'm getting ripped off but there's only one LFS within 75 miles of home and then a petco. It's a nightmare just walking into that place but the solids are cheaper. I would definitely not buy livestock from there. They got mad at me because I ordered a bubletip from them and when they came in I didn't like the way they looked and demanded my money back. I guess that's why no one will talk to me when I go in except the managers. That and, I went in and counted over 140 dead fish and complained to the corporate managers. Thanks again all! I appreciate the input.

Gggggggeeeee....! so glad you spoke up about the Livestock there...! as far as Salt , i have used IO , kinda not cheap in my LFS... so i got the cheaperbrand called " crystal sea " marine mix..... Well IMO its a bottom line Salt.... due to its ability to mix with ro/di .... it doesn't mix very good at all... i add the salt into a 5gal. jug.. with a small Rio-pump in the jug... n it takes such along time to disolve.... so i will spend the xtra buckeroos next time.... cw.:)
I get like 5 gallon buckets of IO for 30 bucks....
Since switching to IO I've noticed a more stable Ph, sitting around 8.2.

Before switching I was using Corallife Salt and had a constant low Ph, and I remember seeing a website claiming that CLS had been misrepresenting their product. I'll try to find it. Nitrate and Phosphate free, I don't know.....

Found it:
Has anyone used the New...... salt-mix from " Seachem " ? .... i just recently got a new catologue from marine depot.... and the add on page77 is really intresting ..... it claims that the mix buffers to 8.4... ... AND " Superior Calcium n Alakalinity Stability "..... (?).......... not just other claims i haven't heard of...! they have 2 types of salt mix... Geeeeeee.... i hope my LFS has this available in my area , so i could try it n find out if my tank really benifits from it, cw.:?:

What everyone is saying is true. Any tests done on any salts it seems that kent and IO are the most benifitial to your tank. You can go for the reef salts and pay more. But in the end your going to have to dose calcium and other additives as you build your tank. In my opinion I would use either Kent or IO. My store sells niether. But I use IO and have a really clear and healthy tank.

Tropic Marin is good from what I hear but it is alot more expensive to buy. (We don't sell salt, it's to hard to keep up with the franchise stores on pricing, we can't buy enough to compete.) Again, buy what you like and stick with it.
Seachem's sea salt was the one I used in my 25 gallon reef,but I had minor events of precipitation of calcium due to the high ph (8,7-8,8) of the fresh made saltwater.I use RO and I did 20% water changes .Now I use tropic marin.
I've used the following:

IO - cheap, readily available, mixes well, but the low Calcium was a pain to me.

Kent - most expensive I've used, but typicall mixes up to alk 10dKH, Ca of around 400 and Mg of 1200-1300. My corals like this salt the best and I'm sticking with it. I pay between $40-$65 per 200gal bucket. Price varies WIDELY around here.

Crystal Seas Bioassay - My tank was perfectly healthy on the Kent salt, but it started getting pricey, so I decided to try this salt at $25 for 150gal boxes. BIG mistake. Several of my corals bleached and many of my zoas declined. After about two months of waiting for the bleaching to go away I switched back to Kent. I'll be sticking with Kent unless their formulation becomes inconsistent or different.

CirolanidHunter said:
I'll be sticking with Kent unless their formulation becomes inconsistent or different.
IME a decent choice for salt. Been using it about 8ish years and have never been given reason to doubt it.

tropic marin pro reef is what I like and use. have been through most salts from aquacraft,instant ocean , red sea , crystal sea and whatever else I can't remember and to me personally tropic marin gives me the most maintenance free performance possible for a reef tank. as stated above no matter what salt you use you have to test and add something. that is every salt I have tried so far even what I use now. my tank stays cleaner with less scrubbing than with any other I have tried "yet" I keep a pretty large load on fish and corals of all kinds. softies,lps,sps,mushrooms . I buy bulk raw chemicals so it doesn't cost alot to add anymore.
my ph is 8.1 something at 7 am and right at 8.4 at 10 pm when the lights go out.
alkalinity is on the low side near 2.9 meq/l but that is so the 440 + calcium doesn't precipitate out. but as already stated my ph stays very stable.