Reef tank burn out

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o a thought, if you move yours to a new tank make it a wider one so you can have even more fun with the rock work, your tank is looking good though
ive been in the hobby about a year and i have learnt so much and ive become fish tank mad i cant get enough i like your tank it has a lot of potential i would maybe suggest less rock in there might be good aquascaping is fun i love doing it in my bedroom tank but its hard in my display so much coral to move and shift its good to hear your not stopping who needs a car when petrol is $1.50 a LITER
Ron: Large water changes are not a issue if you have a large mixing tank. I do 150 gal WC now and it is easy. I just have to stay close so I can watch it fill. I have a pic on here somewhere of my WC setup. I do not have the bigger tank yet. After how much money I lost on Wed it may be a while.:mad:
that's alot of you have an R/O unit???? hope you get the tank soon..i'd like to see some pics of it, and your wife's face when you get
Yes I use only RO/DI water. I was kidding with Melissa the other day about getting a wet suit so I could clean the tank if I ever get it.:(
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Scooterman said:
I wanted something smaller & easier to take care of .

Same here, I'm going to sell my 150gal (anyone want a 150g tank?:D )and downsize to a:

30g main
20g fuge
20g frag tank
10g tank (to grow and sell small star fish)
and a 20g sump

and to make it a little more fun, I'll TRY to do a DIY skimmer and cal reactor.

Soooo.......It will be a lot of fun(and just a little $$$:D)

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Just thought I would add a more recent pic. and a question. Would I be able to add some sps and maybe a clam to the tank? I'm running a 175 watt 10k mh on a 29g.
Tank looks too good to give up on. I agree with Ed...go to a meeting with others in the hobby or go visit some other peoples tanks. That always seems to inspire me when I start to slow down a bit. For those that know me they know I have been working on trying to replace my 50g with a 180 that is just dragging along. I notice though that when I go look at other tanks or even just visit a nice LDS I suddenly get a spurt of ambition and do a little bit more.
That's funny I acually have an extra 180g acrylic tank in my basement sitting on end, hmm, maybe gave me a good idea! My wife want's me to use it for my Shovel nosed catfish but I could probably talk her out of it. 180 reef?
Well, I'll have to see if the upstairs floor would support the weight of the tank. I'm thinking an in wall set up. Here's the beast now!
So if I did get the 180g up and running and got burned out of it could I blame it on you?

LOL...If you want(LOL) Better yet, you can just send me the tank and I'll get it out of your sight!:p