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I would be interested in trying some, where how do we acquire these free samples? Also, what sizes is the product going to be distributed in and at what price?

Thanks for your time.


EDIT: Check that, went to the website and saw the 4oz containers for about 20CDN as well as the email address for samples. Thanks...

[email protected]
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Polyp Lab said:
But the reef-roids product is probably the best product on the market for feeding goniopora. It was made for that purpose. And users have experienced excellent NEW growth on goniopora. (Including new growth encursting onto LR)
Do you have any results to share from YOUR goniopora(s)? Pics?
What different species of Goniopora have you tried it on and how often did you feed them?
Hey John,

We do have pictures from our own specimens. But our current camera in the lab is of such poor quality that we can not even use the photos for journal submissions. We have been trying to budget a better camera and a flash ring so that so we can document new growth properly. Our website will be updated with these photos.

We have used our Reef-roids product to feed several Goniopora species including Tenuidens & Stokesi (the more common ones available in the trade).
We also have received Djiboutiensis, Pendulus and Columna species but I am not sure of their availablility in the marine trade. They have been kept with success as well. Our holding trays are fed three times a week.
Has anyone received there sample yet? I received a e-mail saying they had over 1,000 free samples to send out.:eek: It is nice to know there are that many reefers out there.:) I wonder if they where ready for that. Anyone on here had a chance to use this product? If so, how did it work?
I use it I like it.

I have yet to see any diffrence in water parameters. I dose 3 times daily, as recommended.
I have noticed some differences/improvements but only in a few select coral types. The zoanthuds, chili coral, ricordia, alveopora, blastumossa & candelabrum gorg. My yellow sea cuke seems to love it as well.

I have not yet target fed the ST plate, T. geoffroyi or euphyllia's but casual feeding did not see an improvement except in feeding response.

Several different species of Montipora (plating and branching), a Stylophora pistillata and Acorpora formosa showed no improvement.

The only negative I had so far was a small short lived diatom bloom. It will be one month since I started using it this Tuesday so I will be discontinuing it and will post back in about two weeks with any differences.

Detri said:
I have yet to see any diffrence in water parameters. I dose 3 times daily, as recommended.
Recommended use is actually 1 teaspoon per 100 gal water volume used twice a week. They claim it can be used at much higher intervals/doses though.

Well I don't add it to my tank all at once hehehe. I just add a pinch at a time. Like all of you I am affraid of any ill effects lol.
Hey everyone,

We spent over a weeks organizing and processing the samples. We sent them out starting on wednesday and the last batch went out on friday afternoon.

Hopefully you'll get them soon!
Poly Lab- How does Capnella and Gorgonia react to this product? I have 2 tanks heavey in Soft corals would like to know if its worth a try or not?


Soft corals do VERY well with the Reef-roids product. So both your kenya tree corals and gorgonia will enjoy it.
I would like to say this stuff definetly does something. When I stick it my tank my shrooms reach for the skies for this stuff.
Polyp Lab said:

Soft corals do VERY well with the Reef-roids product. So both your kenya tree corals and gorgonia will enjoy it.
Polyp Lab, I would like a sample of your food. I would also like to know what the website addy is so that I may visit it.

Well i was pretty much a skeptic, but wow, feed for the first time friday and everything I spot fed with it opened up huge, sent out feelers or started waving like crazy. If feeding response means anything, this stuff generated more of a response than anything I have ever fed/dosed before.
bc_slc said:
Well i was pretty much a skeptic, but wow, feed for the first time friday and everything I spot fed with it opened up huge, sent out feelers or started waving like crazy. If feeding response means anything, this stuff generated more of a response than anything I have ever fed/dosed before.
Does it give a website on the product label???? Would love to try some. I am currently using Marc Weiss and that stuff hasn't generated much of a response other than red slime (and this I cannot contribute to the product only as I just changed tanks not too long ago).

Anne - check the first post on this thread for a link to the site
bc_slc said:
Well i was pretty much a skeptic, but wow, feed for the first time friday and everything I spot fed with it opened up huge, sent out feelers or started waving like crazy. If feeding response means anything, this stuff generated more of a response than anything I have ever fed/dosed before.

My experience is similar. I target fed my favia and candy cane corals and the response was immediate and striking. This morning my favia looks better than it ever has.

Since I have a nano, the sample should last me for a couple weeks. I'll post an update after I run out if the improvement persists.

Llarian said:
My experience is similar. I target fed my favia and candy cane corals and the response was immediate and striking. This morning my favia looks better than it ever has.

Since I have a nano, the sample should last me for a couple weeks. I'll post an update after I run out if the improvement persists.

Has anybody been able to use the Marc Weiss powders and compared them to the Reef Roids? If so, what was the difference. I am currently using the MW powders, but in using it I don't see any reaction out of the few corals that I have (although my blue damsel chases it all over to eat it) and I seem to have an abundance of red slime. I am not blaming the red slime on the product alone--but I think it might actually contribute to the problem.
