Reeftank Lighting Research

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Reef Keeper
Jul 5, 2003
Part One...General Information
Part Two...Specific Tests

General Information

Poor Man's Spectrometer: Estimating Lamp Spectral Quality for Less Than $30 by Dana Riddle

Ocean Optics Spectrometers and Software by Dana Riddle

Facts of Light, Part 1: What is Light? by Sanjay Joshi

Facts of Light, Part 2: Photons by Sanjay Joshi

Facts of Light, Part 3: Making Sense of Light Measures by Sanjay Joshi

Facts of Light, Part 4: Color Temperature by Sanjay Joshi

Classification and Terminology For Reef Aquarium Lighting by Adam Blundell, M.S.

The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas by Adam Blundell, M.S.

Stony Coral Pigments, Algae Pigments and Captive Lighting, by Steve Tyree

Richard Harker "Nipple Nonsense" revisited

The Properties of Light by Andrew Trevor-Jones

Spectrum or Intensity? by Dana Riddle amd Miguel Olaizola


Comparison of color spectrum

Thoughts on Reef Aquarium Lighthing by Anthony Calfo.

Light Energyby Sam Gamble

Lighting Intensity Comparison Backgroundby Craig Bingman

Reef Aquarium Lighting for Healthy Invertebratesby J.Charles Delbeek

Lighting for the Reef Tankby Albert Thiel

Fluorescence in corals

Lighting FAQ and Bulb color comparisons by Dana Riddle

Basics to lighting the reef tank by Dana Riddle

Ultraviolet Radiation and Aquarium Lighting

Metal Halide Bulb and Ballast Cross Reference Guide

DIY Aquarium Lighting Projects

Glossary of Aquarium Lighting Terms

The properties of light

Photosynthesis and Photoadaptation by Sanjay Joshi FAQ on Lights

Effects of Narrow Bandwidth Light Sources on Coral Host and Zooxanthellae Pigments

The Static on Static Lighting: by Anthony Calfo


MH Lighting Comparison by JB NY

Shedding Light On The Reef by Richard Harker

Reflecting On Lighting by Richard Harker

Too Much Light by Dana Riddle

Lighting by Number: "Types" of Zooxanthellae and What They Tell Us by Dana Riddle

Glitter Lines: More than Aesthetic? by Dana Riddle

Hot Tips: Your Favorite Lighting and Why

Capturing the Unseen

Specific Tests

Reef Lighting Page by Sanjay Joshi

Playing with Poison - Ultraviolet Radiation by Dana Riddle

Cnidarian Reef Lamp Comparisons

Part V: Everything You Need to Know About Metal Halide Lamps and Ballasts by Sanjay Joshi

150 Watt

Spectral Analysis of 150 watt de Metal Halide Lamps Used In
The Reef Hobby,

More Spectral Analysis of 150 Watt Double-Ended Metal Halide Lamps by Sanjay Joshi

Revisited Reviews, Part II: LiterMeter III Peristaltic Pump, IceCap Pendant, 150 Watt Ballast, and Iwasaki 150 Watt Bulb by Gregory Schiemer

175 Watt

Spectral Analysis of 175W Metal Halide Lamps - Part I by Sanjay Joshi, Ph.D.

Spectral Analysis of 175W Metal Halide - Part II by Sanjay Joshi, Ph.D.

250 Watt

Spectral Analysis of 250W Metal Halide Lamps: Giesemann, Krystal Star, South Pacific Sunlight, BLV, Phoenix Electric Company by Sanjay Joshi

Spectral Analysis of Metal Halide Lamps Used in the Reef Aquarium Hobby Part 3 — 250-Watt Metal Halide Lamps by Sanjay Joshi and Dave Morgan

Spectral Analysis of 250W Mogul base Metal Halide Lamps - PART I by Sanjay Joshi

Spectral Analysis of 250 watt Metal Halide Lamps Used in
the Reef Aquarium Hobby by Sanjay Joshi and Dave Morgan

Spectral Analysis of 250W Mogul base Metal Halide Lamps - PART I by Sanjay Joshi

Spectral Analysis of 250W Mogul base Metal Halide Lamps - PART II by Sanjay Joshi

More Spectral Analysis of 250 Watt Double Ended Metal Halide Lamps and Ballasts by Sanjay Joshi

Spectral Analysis of 250 Watt Double Ended Metal Halide Lamps and Ballasts - EVC, Happy Reefing, IceCap, AB, and CoralVue

Par Value of various 250W MH combinations of bulbs and ballasts by Katchupoy

Deciding between 250 and 400W MH bulb/ballast combinations by Katchupoy

400 Watt

Spectral Analysis of Metal Halide Lamps Used in the Reef Aquarium Hobby Part 1: New 400-watt Lamps by Sanjay Joshi and Dave Morgan

Spectral Analysis of Metal Halide Lamps Used In The Reef Hobby — Part 2by Sanjay Joshi and Dave Morgan

Spectral Analysis of 400 watt Metal Halide Lamps Used In The Reef Hobby by Sanjay Joshi

Spectral Analysis of 400W Metal Halide Lamps: Giesemann, Krystal Star, South Pacific Sunlight, BLV, Catalina by Sanjay Joshi

Spectral Analysis of 400W Double Ended Lamps by Sanjay Joshi

Par Value of various 400W MH combinations of bulbs and ballasts by Katchupoy

LED Lighting

A New Horizon in Lighting: PFO's Solaris LED System by Dana Riddle


Analyzing Reflectors Part I by Sanjay Joshi and Timothy Marks

Analyzing Reflectors: Part II

Analyzing Reflectors: Part III

Analyzing Reflectors: 400W DE Reflectors

Analyzing Reflectors: Part V


Spectral Analysis of MH Lamps - Do ballasts make a difference
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