C & B
Yes the scale is more than likely changing the RI or the salt residue is not give the proper fit when out back together. You could try to take it apart, rinse the parts well in RO/DI water, let it air dry and then try it again. More than likely it is BO and will not work right ever.
Few questions
Yes, that is all correct. However, there is no such thing as a table that is accurate, that I have seen, that is accurate to convert uS/mS to Sg. But there are on-line calculators to convert uS/mS to Salinity. You could then convert that to Sg. You CAN NOT take a value in uS/mS an x by some number and get Salinity, TDS or Sg, accept for a very narrow range, as the conversion factor is a function of a nonlinear equation through out the range of conductivity uS/mS to TDS/S. For **our range only** of 1.024-1.027. Then, mS to SG is ~ 0.5, close enough. Meaning, 0.5 x mS = Sg. Example 0.5 x 53mS (reading) = 2.65. Move the decimal .0265 and add 1.00 = 1.0265 Sg.
The Conductivity to Salinity Calculator
This Pinpoint Table of mS--> S --> Sg is also close enough but is off a tad
How much is a meter.
For one that has all the scales, i.e., uS, mS, TDS and S is (cheapest ) ~ $560 and with just uS/mS for seawater $500. The meter must have a range up to 100mS. So, that means that for most only the Pinpoint @ ~ $150 and the is pretty good and it measures conductivity as S.