Refugium and unwanted algae

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Oct 17, 2006
Loranger, LA
I have a problem with my refugium. I put in mineral mud and live sand with some rubble rock and added chaetomorpha. everything was looking good for a couple weeks but now I am getting a brown somewhat slimy algae starting to grow in with the chaeto. Any ideas on what this is and How to get rid of it?

It started in my last fuge and I could never get rid of to the point my chaeto never really took off. I did not bring a single piece from the old fuge b/c of it.

Welcome to RF!:)
Sounds like you are having diatoms growing in there along with the chaeto, but is there any chance to get a pic?

What type flow do you have in your Fuge? When I had my fuge very slow flowing, I would also get the brownish slime on my Chaeto. I went to a higher flow, that keeps the Chaeto kinda rolling, and now don't have any problems. I think this is also giving the Chaeto more light (or more even lighting???) which is helping it grow better for me as well.
When you remove some of your Macroalgae... you are exporting the waist products from your water that it has used to grow... exactly why we grow them in the 1st place!

That being said... you will be the best judge on how large of piece of Chaeto you want in your fuge... and when its time to remove it.

What I have found though... is to do things SLOWLY. If you have just increased the flow, I would try "Selectivly" removing only enough of the Chaeto to get rid of most of your nastiness for now. Give this a few weeks with the higher flow, and see how things go for you.

You may find that just the increased flow, then when you notice more of your brown slime starting to attach... removing that... and your Fuge is then doing what you want... exporting the nasties from your tank!

Good luck, and keep us posted.