refugium before skimmer

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Mar 2, 2009

I am getting ready to set up my first reef tank (first SW). I have a megaflow 3 sump and a Nautilus TE skimmer. My question is, I would like to take the sump, and instead of using the bioballs and media, I would like to make that compartment a fuge. Can a refugium function correctly and provide what it is supposed to do, before the skimmer? Or is placing the skimmer after what the fuge is creating, kind of defeating the purpose. Thanks for your help.
generally ive seen 3 compartment sumps go like this

skimmer/ return pumps/ refugium


skimmer / refugium/ return pumps ( i like this one because the skimmers outlet of flow oxygenates the water and flows thru the fuge then to the return pump)

either one would work. i think i side stepped your question but lol this is just my observation.
I don't think it matters where in line the skimmer is, some people run a fuge with a hang on skimmer on the tank, they both still do there part in removing their respective elements. Possibly the reasons why a skimmer usually comes before the refugium is it allows any bubbles the skimmer is creating to disipate before they are returned to the main tank, and if it is before the refugium it will not munch up any pods trying to head to the main tank as well???????
The benefit to having a skimmer in the first area is that you get the rawest water, the surface, that has the most amount of proteins in it. This way, you're able to skim this water before it's able to mix with the rest of the water. When you skim more surface water, you get the greatest use of your skimmer.
what's a skimmer?
hehe j/k
i like the first one that seattle989 said, but you should also check out
there is a good (well they are all good) one called sump concepts. he goes stright from the overflow to the skimmer then the fuge...
I think there is more than one to clean a tank. some ways are better than others, and we all try to figure out which ones are better.
I've ran a skimmer - fuge - return and i've ran a fuge-skimmer-return. I had the exact same results either way. IMO when you have a overflow coming down, it gets the same amount of raw water in the first or second section. A skimmer in the first section isn't going to get all teh raw water from the overflow anyhow.
I'm also new to reefing. I have a 60gal glass tank with a 10gal sump below the stand not being used. I was thinking of developing my refugium before I getting into the tank as I figure out if I still want the 60gal tank. Once I figure out the tank I want I'll develop the tank and merge it with my refugium.

Thoughts anyone? I'm also looking for a source for uncured live rock in King and Snohomish Countys.
I have this sump tank.
In the first camber I have some cheato with some LR and a light then thru the bioballs then my skimmer and return pump share the same space. I am really wanting to take out the balls but I am having a huge problem with algae growth. I always test and everything always comes out good. I have about 70-80 watts of light over the tank. What is the deal? First I thought it was the light so I cut the running time, NOTHING. THen I slowed my feedings and switched to frozen/live food. NOTHING. So the bioballs are the only thing I can think of. I am saving up to start buying the materials to make my own LED light setup. Cant wait. Any ideas?
IMO it doesn't matter how you have it set-up. The skimmer is going to skim the same amount of water where ever you put it. the skimmer isn't going to work harder or lesser if it is the exact same skimmer LOL. Someone that knows all the answers will chime in if they didn't already LOL.
the only advice i can give you is to ditch that kent nautilus skimmer, utterly worthless piece of crap....
what size tank are you trying to skim, and what kind of potential budget would you have for the skimmer?

and most people put skimmer first so it doesnt eat the pods from the fuge, but the pods would have to be in the water column, and i usually see pods on rock and sand surfaces. and as far as working better in the first sump chamber because it gets surface oils/proteins??? not really seen much of a difference in skimmer efficency based upon being in the first or second sump chamber.
as far as working better in the first sump chamber because it gets surface oils/proteins??? not really seen much of a difference in skimmer efficency based upon being in the first or second sump chamber.

Me either but what do I know LOL. Some think they have the end of all answers for everything.
my set up is fuge/skimmer/return pump and it seems to work just fine but I do have way too many micro bubbles in my DT and I don't know why...
if I had it to do over again I would do skimmer/fuge/return pump just to see if the micro bubble situation got any better.
I put a small powerhead in the fuge area. It just seemed to be kinda dead water not a lot of movement. Should I take the PH out? Any ideas?
I put a small powerhead in the fuge area. It just seemed to be kinda dead water not a lot of movement. Should I take the PH out? Any ideas?

I've read many threads that say that cheato likes lots of water movement.
I've used a powerhead in my sump for a couple years.
The biggest problem I've had with a powerhead in my refugium section of my sump is that it gets clogged with cheato. So I had to make a foam cover for the intake on the powerhead, and that needs cleaning once a week.