relocating clam

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2006
i have a pair of maximas that i got when they were about 1 inch now they have tripled in size and need to be moved but they are attached to the rock their on,i would like to seperate them the rock is about 12 inches by 8 inches how could this be done ,if possible i dont want to traumatize them but room in the tank is a premium ,any suggestions?
It is possible to move Clams, you just need to be careful. Have a sharp knife or razor, lean the clam to one side, this will expose the Bysal thread. With a clean slice, cut the bysal thread as far from the clam as possible. Depending on size, you may be able to cut the entire bysal thread from one side. If not, the second step is to lean the clam the other direction, exposing the other half of the bysal thread and repeat the cut.

This type of separation causes the least amount of stress. A clean cut will heal quickly and reattach. If the bysal thread is torn instead of cut, the clam will likely die.
I have performed exactly what returnofsid has explained above on several occasions with great success.

Good Luck
would it be better if i tryed to break the rock,i would hate to lose either one
I would do like the above people have suggested. :)

Your water quality must be really good to keep a small 1" maxima. GREAT! How long did it take to triple in size?
Breaking the rock could potentially tear the bysal thread. Even if it doesn't....the jarring that would be inflicted could cause a lot of stress. Barry N. will always give the best information you can find about clams....make sure to check out his site. It's in his signature above!!
i bought three what i believed to be babys ,about 1 inch, they are about a year and a half old and have colored up very nicely as soon as i figure out how to get nice pics ill post i tryed several times but cant figure out how get shots like i see on here i have a good sony digital but all pics come out to bluish or just lousy