Reording the Meetings?

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2005
Hey Guys,

I was just wondering if there is a way to record the next meeting? I'm sorry that I'm going to miss ANOTHER one! Because of that I was thinking that it may be good to record our big meetings and post them on the PSAS web site under a members only section? That way we add more value to the membership? What do you guys think?
Well, good point Shauna, someone whoever it is (I'll have to go reread the summaries of the specific board member duties) should be writing and posting a summary of the meeting. Would be nice to have a head count and such.

That is another thing I dream for on the web site is to as the meeting is over move that info to another space and then update the front page with the coming meeting. I hate to "loose" the info which is what happens now.

Lets talk about this at our get together before the meeting.

Thanks Shauna
I would appreciate notes Josh :) I would rather be there in person though - the husbands family reunion in Ohio - sheesh! :p
yep, that would be a secretarial duty, but are you sure you want cranky pants taking notes?? lol
if our meetings were actually serious enought to merrit recording, i might be more motivated, but unless a speaker is in town, i wouldnt want to go to that trouble.
now, we do need to probably have a log of b.o.d. meetings so we can keep organized and keep on track...
we could make audio recordings of the member meetings and then make "i pod casts" out of them, then post them on the website. that would be cool...

- Pre-meeting bbq

- Called to meeting with IAP's talk

- Had adelaide give a talk

- Ran the raffle
You forgot the part that I was the only one at the Pre-Meeting at Round Table :p I will have to post the minutes for that later lol
LOL... how was the finger twiddling?

I am about to get the rest of the projects done... :D
