Return pump ?

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Lion in the cave
Nov 9, 2008
Milford ks
So I have a 120 gal tank with a 40 breeder as a sump. Here's my scenario I have a eheim 1260 return pump it says 630 g/ph, well I have to throttle back on my drain line which is one drain 1.5 inch pipe that splits into two in my sump. Well on my return line it goes straight into a tee then up 2.5 ft to two elbows then 4 loclines from there. Well I wanted to get a stronger pump so I don't have to choke the drain line. So I picked up a reeftec 4000 which is a 1017 g/ph pump. Well that pump was weaker then the ehiem pump, I was just wondering how is that so. I just don't want to spend so much money for the 1262 model pump. I'm just baffeled, how can q pump that produces more g/ph is weaker?
im still trying to figure out why you need to slow the drain line. i had a reeflo snapper running on a 1.5" drain just fine with 2 1" returns.

as far as the pump goes the eheim works better under a little pressure. maybe the new pump doesnt function at 1017gph with pressure. every pump is different.
I have to choke up on the drain because if I don't then it's constant gurgling from the overflow box lol. But ya I see what you mean some are better under pressure.
everything looks good I do not keep sand in my sump lol so no bite marks lol houseing is in tack also only missing the sponge as I never used it.

I plan on taking it off line tomorrow and running in a bucket of hot water and vinager.
I like the mag pumps and I think a mag 12 would do you just fine.

If you are choking the drain line it sounds like you has a siphon from your sump. does your pump go under the water in the sump? Maybe you are not pumping enough and the water is building up in your overflow until it has enough pressure to push through causing a siphon?
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whoah dude... you have plenty of flow for your sump with a 1260...
you only want a throughput of about 3x -5x going through the sump in the first place.
your skimmer is only processing like 200-300gph max (unless ur running a beckett), media reactors should only be fed like 100-150 gph via a pump, and macroalgae in refugiums will absorb nutrients better with slow flow. you shouldnt be running filter socks or polyester pads 24/7 in a reef anyway, and they are the only filtration in the sump that would benifit from more flow.
save those watts for producing more flow in your main display, where it belongs.
as for a your drains making noise unless you throttle them back, that is a plumbing problem, not a pump problem. i would suggest trying to do a durso or stockmann standpipe inside of the overflow box(or external durso if the drain goes out the back of the tank instead of the bottom), and if there is one already, then the hole size in the caps is too small.



also, you really want to stick with eheim pumps, they are worth every penny. and, the 1260 and the 1262 are the same pump, only with different impeller and volute.
Thanks skimmerwhisper, I have tried the durso setup before and it was sending way to many micro bubbles, I don't run filtersocks and I have one media reactor but that's powered by it's own maxi jet. So I should be fine with what I have, maybe I can find someone with a frozen 1262 just for experiment.
Skimmer Whisperer is dead on here.....

Thanks skimmerwhisper, I have tried the durso setup before and it was sending way to many micro bubbles, I don't run filtersocks and I have one media reactor but that's powered by it's own maxi jet. So I should be fine with what I have, maybe I can find someone with a frozen 1262 just for experiment.

it sounds like your drain into the sump was submerged...which will often allow micros into the sump... alot of people put a t on the sump drain and set it so that the outlet is half was submerged under the water line in sump, this way the air/bubbles can escape and dont have to go into the water.

also, im assuming you have no baffles between the sump inlet and return chamber?? that usually takes care of most micros as well.

they also make filter socks that are very fine and not made from felt, so they dont grow nearly as much nitrifying bacteria on them, but catch detritus and bubbles before they go into the sump, if all else fails...
Hey Skimmerwhisperer, well on my drain line I have i split into to which I am goin to be changing my sump design once I do my waterchanges as I have to cut thru some plexiglass to do the design over again. But anyways I do have triple baffles between my drain and return but it was still alot of bubbles.

So what your saying to do with the T on the drain is something like this picture?

I thought about running a filter sock but did not wont to deal with the detirus buildup because I do go for a couple days at a time away from home.

And to qoute above on Special Tangs comment, I have had mag pumps before there ok mine kept on breaking on me and I had to jbweld a couple of them back together so they stay working. There loud and not my cup of tea really.