Reverse Osmosis question?

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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2006
Everett, WA
Ok so I have a few questions about Reverse Osmosis systems-

Should I buy a system that is meant for drinking and plumb to my sink that stores in a 4 gal or 2.5 gallon tank? Or buy the kind meant for the aquarium that produces more but how do those work and are the filters more costly? I just want something that is cheap in the longrun. I don't care about upfront cost just cost for filters in the longrun and also ease of use. It looks like those aquarium type of RO systems are cheaper in the longrun in filters but how do you plumb them and which kind is best? It looks like they plumb to your garden spiget?:confused:

Any help here would be great! SUPER tired of going to Albertson's every 3 days for 5 gal's of water at 32 cents per gal which adds up quick and is a pain in the &^%!!!

Thanks in advance,
i have one of each in my house but if i could only afford one i would get the one for drinking water because the price difference is not that much for the extra parts you get and then you always have good drinking water at your fingertips.
Usually one ment for drinking won't have a DI stage. You want a DI stage.

After that, its all about how you want to make, keep, and plumb the water. I personally have a garden hose adapter that I put on my laundry room sink and fill a bucket whenever I need water. Highly manual but cost effective and simple.

I got one of the cheapies on ebay and it works well. I have also herd people (here) rave about
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There plenty of brands out there. If I was in the market I'd by any good brand that was 75gpd and used Dow filmtec membrane. Ay less or any more will cut into the efficiency.
IMO have a great product, great service and NO BS sales.
Before Imade any decisions I'd go to their website and order a inline tds meter and pressure gauge. Once you know your homes incomming tds, water pressure and wether or not your on a well you can make a informed decision. Otherwise your just guessing as to what system you need.

I got one from filter guys about a month ago I have been realy happy with it. Only downfall with it was there were no options for hookup it was the standard copper tubing pierce mechanism and I live in a apt so that was not happening. Took about an hour at home depot to find the right parts but I installed it in my laundry room right into the washing machine cold water connections and ran the waste water right out the wash machine waste water. the other nice part about that is I fill my buckets on the wash machine so when they overflow, and yes they will overflow;) the spill goes into the wash machine and no mess!!
You are close to us - R/O water is free to Reef Mystique customers (limit 10 gallons a visit please). Use it in your tank, make ice with it, drink it .... do your body a huge favor.
When time permits bring in a sample of your tap water and let us test for Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).
You are close to us - R/O water is free to Reef Mystique customers (limit 10 gallons a visit please). Use it in your tank, make ice with it, drink it .... do your body a huge favor.
When time permits bring in a sample of your tap water and let us test for Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).

I went to your website but its not even complete yet.. when will it be done?
You are close to us - R/O water is free to Reef Mystique customers (limit 10 gallons a visit please). Use it in your tank, make ice with it, drink it .... do your body a huge favor.
When time permits bring in a sample of your tap water and let us test for Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).

Will, what a nice gesture!
Hi Wil,

I wasn't aware you did that. That would be great to use that service. I'll take ya up on that. I come in all the time and didn't know that.

I still think I'll get something for home though as it will be easy and convienent, but until then I'll hit ya up on that.

By the way, our green bubble tip anemone Jeff and I got from you is doing great with our true perks. The male hosts in that and the female hosts in our rose BTA then they sleep together at night in the RBTA.
Also the Xenia are pulsing away too! That's a good sign the tank is getting even more established. I put the Xenia I got from ya at the very top of the tank and in high flow and they LOVE it. Maybe I'll get some pom pom xenia next!

So what brand of RO unit do you guys recommend for efficiency and low cost on replacement filters keeping in mind I need around a gal a day?
I don't really care too much about cost as long as the filters are cheap in the longrun.

So what size? There is 50, 75, 100, 175. The filter cost just seems to go up and up depending on size, but I imagine that the size also means that it will produce water faster.

So what size? There is 50, 75, 100, 175. The filter cost just seems to go up and up depending on size, but I imagine that the size also means that it will produce water faster.


75gpd is the most efficient.

Great thanks! I'll start my search and let ya know what I end up with. The washing machine hookup sounds like a good idea for spillage and whatnot. Does anyone have a drawing of how to do that? Then I can have my husband do it for me.
Does anyone have a drawing of how to do that?

There are fittings at any hardware store that will fit the standard-size plastic tube that feeds the RO/DI units.

I just cut off a 1/2" piece of my tubing and brought it to the store with me. :)