Ric pics!

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It is they are going crazy on it too. I had the vase in there from when I first started the tank, and well there is all kinds of stuff growing on it now.
heres my yumas all alive:D



so friggin awesome!!!
My husband wants rics and I've never been into them. They're mushrooms right? Do they multiply and sting other corals like other mushrooms? Do they release chemicals to kill off other corals? In other words, do they become a nuisance?
My husband wants rics and I've never been into them. They're mushrooms right? Do they multiply and sting other corals like other mushrooms? Do they release chemicals to kill off other corals? In other words, do they become a nuisance?

Rics, typically dont grow as fast as alot of mushrooms. The do multiply by splitting in most cases and AFAIK, they relaease chemicals like all softies although they dont have a reputation like GSP etc. The ones I've had in the past have been easily controllable by rare harvesting events.

Unlike the frilly mushroom in my tank thats taking off like the plague. Time to go nuclear.
Oh this thread is making me miss my ric's. Can't wait to get them and more in my new tank! Gotta love ric's!!!