RIP and Who Done It?

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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States
It's a sad day:cry:. I awoke this morning to find this in my tank.

Last night, it looked like this, although it's been on that empty half shell, pictured above, for attachment for several weeks.

The only recent addition to the tank has been a Yellow Tang, that came from a tank with a T. crocea. The 2 large T. croceas are, well, happy as clams. The now dead T. maxima was alive and well last night; reactive to shadows, opening and closing just fine. I just don't understand. The only concern I've ever had with this clam is that, in the 6 weeks we've had it, it never attached. I wasn't too concerned about this though, as it's always appeared healthy.

I've never seen anything in the tank showing the slightest interest in this lil' guy. The rest of our fish have been in the tank with this clam and the 2 T. croceas for a long time.

A few weeks ago, early in the morning, Angie did see a large (approx. 1 1/2" diameter) clear(ish) flat worm. We PMd Leslie about this and she tentatively IDd it as possible snail eating flatworms that have been reported to go after clams. Yet, we have no idea how long this flat worm has been in our system, how it got there, or how to trap it. We haven't seen it since. Here's a link with a pic that Angie found while trying to ID it. It looks just like this guy, she says. is this flatworm.jpg

So far, we hadn't noticed a severe decline in our snail population and, up until now, have had no problems with our clams!!

Sure am glad our newest clam went into a different tank!!!

Any ideas????
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That looks like a maxima under 2 inches long to me. Those are very hard to keep and very sensitive unless you target feed with a cut bottle. If you did target feed I am confused as much as you.
use a pill bottle and drill a small hole in the end put the lid on and put some food in it. that should get trap that flat worm
I fed the entire tank phyto 3 times/week and would feed it more directly with a turkey baster, while feeding the tank. I did not use a "food trap" like a cut bottle. It was a T. maxima at about 2". It had already shown slight growth. This isn't an issue of it starving. It was just fine yesterday, an empty shell today. I don't believe it was a slow wasting away death. I do believe something got it.

I'm going to do a bit more research into that flatworm Angie saw. I don't think it was the culprit, but wanna get it out anyway.
It's been suggested that the "before" pic looks like an unhealthy clam. That pic was taken as it closed up due to being "frightened" by a shadow. Here's a couple more "before" pics


The different colors represents different white balance settings. The more purple pic is the accurate one.
Sorry about the clam! I have never seen the Yellow tang anywhere near the clam in my tank. I don't think it could have been the tang, at least I hope not!
I'm almost sure it wasn't the Yellow Tang and the Potters Angel is in a different tank. The Galaxea is also in a different tank. This particular clam wasn't near anything other than a couple Zoanthids. I'm really at a loss to figure it out, unless it was that unknown flatworm Angie saw awhile back. Gonna set a trap for it tonight.
Do you have an eel... ? Mine ate mine in one night and it was a 4", the eel was only in the tank two weeks before it happened, and he cleaned out the shell. Completely empty.
Nope, no eels. Nothing else in the tank that are known to mess with clams except a Starry Blenny that's been in there for almost 3 years without any issues towards clams at all. I'm watching the other two clams very closely today to see if anything is paying them any interest. Nothing so far.
What fish and inverts do you have?
What do you suppliment and how do you dose it?
Can you post results of every test kit you have?

Small Maxima's under say 2.5" are known to mysteriously die for no reason. I have found that about 50% of mine made it to 2.5" or bigger.

Clams don't need to be fed, in some cases you can do more harm than good.

You can read up more on clam feeding here, and here.
I'm in agreement that clams don't need to be fed, even the small ones. I feed phyto as a food more for zooplankton than for the clams. Though I do squirt it on the smaller clam on occasion. I'm also aware of the debate of feeding or not feeding clams. I don't think it's particularly needed, even for small clams, but don't think that occasional feedings hurt, as long as it's a quality phyto.

The only things I dose are Randy's 2 part DIY recipe for Ca, Alk and Mg. I also drip Kalk, but not as often as I

My results fluctuate between:
Ca 410-420
Alk 9-10dKH
Mg 1325
pH 8.0-8.2
ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates all 0.
Salinity 1.025
Temp 76-78

3XGreen Chromis
1X6 Lined Wrasse
1Xsmall Foxface
1XLeopard Wrasse
1XYellow Tang
1XYellow Watchman Goby
1XStarry Blenny

1X Cleaner Shrimp
3XEmerald Crabs

Various snails (Nassarius, Turbo, Strombus, Stomatella and maybe an Astrea or 2)

1XPistol Shrimp
Wish it were that easy for me to Unfortunately, a couple of things...I believe I have enough experience with clams that I have a better than average chance of keeping even the small ones alive. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't have purchased it.

Even with their poor survival record, which I'm not totally convinced of, I can't accept that it just died, because it was small. Something killed it, either another critter or myself. I'm becoming more inclined to believe it was that unknown flat worm...and am on a mission to catch the bugger!!
No 1 Clams do not have to attach!

I can't accept that it just died, because it was small. Something killed it,

After keeping and shipping over 31,000 clams, no problem with clams 2" or larger but less than 2", a little challenging.

How did it look the day prior to that one picture where it was totalling gone? Was it a slow decline like where the mantle started to recess a little each day?
Wish it were that easy for me to Unfortunately, a couple of things...I believe I have enough experience with clams that I have a better than average chance of keeping even the small ones alive. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't have purchased it.

Even with their poor survival record, which I'm not totally convinced of, I can't accept that it just died, because it was small. Something killed it, either another critter or myself. I'm becoming more inclined to believe it was that unknown flat worm...and am on a mission to catch the bugger!!

LOL happy hunting I know exactly how you feel
Man something knocked that out fast - How far is that evil galaxea from the clam?

I'd vote something really weakened it and then your cleanup crew and fish did the rest :cry:

I think this is the most likely scenario. The situation sucks no matter what actually killed your clam... Sorry for your loss.
Ok I admit Sid I put my finger in your tank!

lol just kidding but serious

This is a horrible loss, I loved the colors of that clam, I felt you were lucky to have one with those colors.

On another note, I am looking to get a clam or two when I get the 90 set up, maybe we can get a better deal on them if you looking to replace.