Ritteri Anemone

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Oct 25, 2005
Puyallup, WA
In the LiveAquaria.com order that came in last Tuesday, I'd ordered a Ritteri Anemone. It was not happy when it arrived, and I wasn't sure it was even alive. After acclimation, I placed it in the tank and it did start showing some life, but it's mouth was open very wide and it didn't look good. The only critter in the tank is an attentive Clarkii Clown. Water parameters are as they should be.

It's now 4 days later and the anemone seems to be doing better.
However, I've never seen this before and was wondering if anyone could clue me in on what this anemone wants or needs.

Most anemones when healthy have a mouth level with their body. This ritteri has a mouth which is extended up, a little over an inch. I've taken a couple of pictures and I'm hoping to figure out how to attach them to this message.

Any help, ideas, suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi Vicki.

THe two things that should be present is lots of multi-directional flow and high metal halide lighting.

Have you tried to feed it little bits yet? Also, what is it you are feeding :)

- Ilham
That was certainly quick!!!
Yes, there's lots of multi-directional flow and high metal halide lighting.

The Clarkii tries to feed the anemone, but it's not at all sticky, so it's not getting anything. I've tried krill, both freeze dried and frozen (thawed); fresh shrimp, flakes, sweatwater zooplankton, even a few pellets. I suppose I could put it directly on the mouth and see if it will take it.

Do you really think hunger could be it's problem? It has expelled some waste, which looked normal.


Hi again.

Do not force feed any anemone. If the problem is you try to feed it, and a shrimp or the fish itself takes it away, i would feed it and then just place your hand by it (not touching the anemone) but to 'shoe-away' the would be stealer ;)

In my opinion, anemones get most of their nutritional needs from the zooxanthellae in them (which gets food from lighting). Feeding them does help and should be done sparingly.

If it doesn't eat today, try again tomorrow. Have you tried small diced scallops from the market? Give it a small piece first, as there is no reason to pollute your tank if the anemone doesn't take it. You may already be doing this, but you can use a turkey baster, to feed it, and so that way your hand/arm won't have to be in the water too deep to scare away any inhabitants that try to steal the food before the anemone can grasp it.

The mouth from the photos look fine. I am a bit worried that it is not sticky, though. However, ritteris are not as sticky as the other carpet anemones (haddoni and gigantea). Just maintain that multi-directional flow, lots of lighting, and little bits of food at first. What temperature is your tank kept at?


If you can, or if you have time ;) take more photos.

Maybe of the entire anemone, your entire tank so we can see where its put its foot/location, and other tank specs: temperature, salinity/S.G., alk, pH.

That will be a stunning anemone if it survives, and the mouth does look pretty good, and it doesn't look to be really bleached at all (from those two photos), although the lighting or white balance can be fooling.


I would never try to force feed any animal unless it was a last resort. I just meant putting the food ontop of the anemone's mouth.

I use a feeding apparatus instead of a turkey baster. It has tweezer type grips on one end and is controlled by a trigger at the other end. Works well. No one would want to put their hand in that tank with that Clarkii. <G>

I'll pick up some scallops next time I get out. Thanks for the suggestions.
I really haven't been too concerned over it's not eating yet, but the elongated mouth was bothering me. If you think it's okay for it to be extended like that, I'll try to keep from worrying. :)

That tank is kept around 78 degrees. Salinity is 1.024--1.025. pH is 8.24, DKH 10. The anemone is attached to a small rock on the bottom of the tank. He certainly could crawl higher in the tank if he wants more light and even more water movement. I don't see any bleaching in him either.

I'll work on more pictures later tonight. Actually I have a video camera on the tank I could turn on for a while and stream it through the Internet. Do you have Java setup on your computer. Java is required for 'streaming video'.

Thanks so much for all your input.

Hey Vicki,
That is very cool that you can make that feed into RF!!! I can't even post a picture without coaching :oops:

Susie :)
Thats a real nice anemone you have there. Though I am no expert by any means. If Elmo says it looks cool I would take his word for it. Love the Clarkki!
The mouth is kinda strange(odd) but not troublesome IMO. Like Ilham said, the color looks good and and the mouth is tight, which are two of the major indicators of general health of anemones.
Ritteris dont really ship very well at all unfortunately, but I think you've got a decent one. I would just hang out and wait and see how its behavior continues in the coming weeks.
It appears that it has plenty of random flow in its current location which is good.

Thanks for the kind words everyone.

Seems a few have discovered that the camera is back on too. The camera's quality is not very good and the anemone is much more colorful than the streaming video shows. I'll leave the camera running for a few more hours just in case someone else might have ideas.

The anemone has been looking like a volcano about to erupt most of the morning. He has already erupted a few times, but it all looks good. :)

Hi Vicki, im at home now, but will be at work soon. Do you know about the weekly RF chat?

I haven't had a chance to click that link yet.

I will try it from work in about 30 min.

I'll try to keep my web site up and running a while longer for you. It's been raining all day and the camera is wireless, so I've been getting quite a bit of interference.

No, I don't know about the weekly RF chat. I look for it.

Well, I tried the RF chat and couldn't get it to work. Will another be planned so that I may try again?


Elmo18 said:
Hi Vicki, im at home now, but will be at work soon. Do you know about the weekly RF chat?

I haven't had a chance to click that link yet.

I will try it from work in about 30 min.

Vicki said:
Well, I tried the RF chat and couldn't get it to work. Will another be planned so that I may try again?


Hi Vicki.

The chat server was down I believe, for some time. THere were some people later than usual that went on, around 8 pm or so.

Every Sunday evenings at 6 PM PST, we have ReefFrontiers chat. I think it was just unfortunate that today's server was not functioning right around that time.


The Ritteri is still alive.
Sure keeps me worried though. Mouth is still standing upward. Thought I was loosing it two days ago, but it's looking better again today.
It's now attached itself to the bottom glass of the tank, as far away from the lights as it can possibly be. (I removed the sand bed in that tank.)
I really don't know what to think; I'm just keeping my fingers crossed.
