ro di issues

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May 16, 2006

I have my ro / di unit installed and have a few question if you don't mind.

1. I'm getting water out of the line that says waste, the line with the white plastic adapter.

2. None out of the OUT line.

3. The line that comes out of the top set of tubes and goes into the lower left canister is leaking. If there a easy way to undo that line and tighten the nut?
Check to make sure you have it plumbed correctly. The connection that is leaking is it a speed connect fitting or a compression nut?
Nice tank man...Sorry I can't offer any help, but I buy my ro/di water so I've personally never had a unit. Just wanted to say your tank is nice:)
thanks krish75, blood sweat and tears there.

Yes, the can on the right is supposed to be waste and the left good.
The left is filling up and the right has like 5 drops in it.
thanks mmkeeper.

I reading it now.
Thanks for the quick replys. Hope I can return the favor.
JUst hang in there, ther are a lot of very helpful and knowlegeable people here. I wish I would have found reef frontiers sooner, I would have saved a lot of money.
100 GPD.

I just slowed the leak but its still leaking with lots of teflon tape.
That and the good is 10 to 1 to waste which is completely backward.
The waste tube is even labeled as waste.
The waste and clean water lines where swapped when I got the unit.

Its now making water at the rate of 1 gallon clean to 4 waste.

Anybody know of a good place to get a TDS meter?
nccmike - Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!!

Glad you figured out your RO/DI unit. Check out the various sponsors for TDS meters. You should be able to price compare, etc., on them.