RO/DI units

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So this setup is all you need? How much delivered? And i was curious on how often/much you need to buy new filters for the RO/DI unit
Jiddy - the replacement time for your filters will really depend on the water quality going into the unit. I have a TDS of around 500 going into my unit, and 0 coming out. I go through filters more frequently than someone who has a TDS of 50 going into the unit. A TDS meter will let you know when your filters are ready to be changed.
Well I got my 6 stage unit and my TDS meter. I tested my water coming out of the tap and got a reading of 56. I am in Seattle, does anyone else have a reading even close to that in Seattle? Everyone talks about TDS of 400 or so before filtration. I am wondering if I am calibrated correctly.
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Sorry it took me so long to get back to you...things have been hectic...anyhow here it goes...

wrightme43 said:
What are you storing the water in?

We are going to store into 2 tanks and then transfer to a holding bucket to mix and put in tank.

wrightme43 said:
Do you have a float valve?

No we don't. Where would it go and how do you use it? Would this be in the tank so that it knows when it is full?

wrightme43 said:
Do you have the white square auto shutoff valve?

Yes, we do. See pictures I have attached.

wrightme43 said:
On the output side of the ro membrane, you have two fittings, one to waste water, and one to good water. Do you have a silver check valve on the good water or a white normal valve?

We have no Check valve or so it seems to us. Please see picture. It looks just live a normal white valve. How important is it to have the check valve and where did you purchase yours?

wrightme43 said:
On the input line from house water is where I put my quick shutoff valve for changing filters. Where is yours?

Our quick shutoff valve is currently on the output line for good water. We want to add one also to the line from the house. Where did your purchase your shutoff valve?

Thanks again Steve for all of the assistance...My fish and husband will definately be happy once I get this up and running correctly...
hey Deb,

Your aqua-safe unit has a check valve. i can see it in the picture. it's the one that is white with a silver/metal end that is on the blue line coming out of the membrane.

Yes all you need to do is add a float valve. I have my water dump into a 44 rubbermaid trash can. It has the kent float valve drilled into the upper side of the trash can. When the float valve pushes up with water it shuts off flow into the tank, building pressure in the system. The check valve forces the pressure higher than input pressure, and shuts off your autoshutoff valve. I am sorry I cant give you better pictures. I am waiting for my new video card for my good computer. It will be here tuesday. Sorry Steve
This may seem like a silly question but i have to ask... Once you have a trashcan full of SW and you are goin to put it in your tank, how do you get it from a 50gal can to your tank across the house? I figure on usin a 5gal bucket, but would i just dip it in the trashcan? or do you guys have clever ways of doin this?
Jiddy - I don't use a 50 gallon can, but a 35 gallon Brute garbage can. You can buy this cool thing with castors on it that attaches to the bottom of the 35 gallon Brute can. I simply roll the can across the house and over to the tank.
Here is what I do. I have 23x 5 gallon gas cans. I have a hagen 802 powerhead that sits in the trashcan with a hose. I pump water to the gas cans. I have another trashcan that has a bulkhead and a drain on wheels. I take it in the house, I take the water in jugs in the house, I pour them in the empty trash can. It has a heater and another 802 powerhead with a hose. I mix up salt water and let it heat up. I drain the water out the door with a shiphon hose, and I fill it back up with the pump from the trashcan. I live in KY so no saltwater critter has a chance of survival. Since I do water changes for a living, I also have a extra trash can on wheel, so I can take water out into one and be mixing in the other. Some places I have to pump old water into the bucket and down the drain, just depends on the situation outside. Hope that helps. Steve
We won't be having the water run in a can (due to space constraints), instead I purchased 2 of the 4.4 gallon tanks from Ed to have the water collect in. Then I will dump the water in a bucket to mix and put in the Fish tank...So, I guess my thought is I won't need a Float valve? Is this correct?

Also, how long do you think it should take for the 4.4 gal tank to fill, build pressure and make the automatic shut off close...The reason i ask is because one of our concerns was that it seemed like the system was always dumping bad water even when we turn the the quick shut off valve off...that is why we were considering adding another quick shut off valve to the inline from the house to the unit.

Now on the the TDS meter...Can you give me insight as to what this is measuring, when I should measure, how I measure, and how often...

Thanks again for all of your help this thread will surely help others as I do hope I am not the only clueless person out there on RO/DI devices.

I purchased my TDS meter separate. It mounts on the RO/DI unit and will read the water in and going out.
I paid 25.oo for a hand held unit from Aquasafe, if you buy it with the RO/DI they don't charge you shipping. My whole order was arould 135.oo with delivery.

Depending on which type, you either install your TDS inline like Nikki's"... or its a pen-type hand held. In that instance (I'm just guessing yours is the hand held type) you turn it on (it should read 0 in air) then dip the tip into the water. Hold it there, until the numbers stablize (about 5 seconds). That is the TDS reading of that water. [I think of TDS which stands for "Total Desolved Solids" as "Total GUNK in water". The lower "GUNK" the cleaner the water]

For me, what I care about is what is the TDS of my Tap Water, the water comming out of my RO section and then the water comming out of my DI section.

For instance... my Tap Water has a TDS (GUNK) of 127. Out of the RO section, I'm getting TDS of 5... and out of the DI section, my "GUNK" is now at ZERO! Woooohooo! My RO/DI unit is doing its job!!!

By monitoring your TDS of your various sections, you will know when its becomming time to change those filters.

Hopefully, that will help with some basic instructions for the use of your TDS, and what its helping you find.
On the water dumping down the drain, it will unless you have a float valve to build pressure on the shut off. It would be best if you move the auto shutoff or added one to the input line of tapwater. anywhere else and it will continue to run down the drain and you will have a huge water bill. I broke stupid once and left the flush valve on mine on for 3 days. Huge Huge water bill. Steve
Yes I have the hand held...Thank you...

Thanks and I will move the shut off and then I think we will be up and running! Thanks again

Alright ordered a unit, I might need consolation on moving the auto shut off when I get it though :D . I got the Aqua-safe maximus... I probably didn't need it, but oh well.
Ask anything you want to know and someone will be here to help. Congrats? What upgrades make up the maxximus unit? if you dont mind. Steve