I know, I know "just let it find its place" but this is getting very frustrating. I purchased a macro doreensis from a LFS with a super reputation and seemingly pristine tanks. It has been in my nano 14gal reef tank for 1 week and fails to attach. This morning I found it wedged behind a rock and had to do some rearranging. I Keep the lighting (actinic) and a 10,000 fluorescent tube on for about 9hr/d and then just leave the fluorecsent on for another 2-3 hrs. Ph is 8.5, nitrate and nitrites are 0 and sg is 1.025. Temp is 71-72F. It has live sand and about 12lbs of cured rock with plenty of coraline algae. The LTA was purchased unattached, 1 week ago, and was spinning in the current on top of an aragonite base. Very health in appearance. The foot is red-orange and the tenticles are fluorescent green with mauve colored tips. The trunk is somewhat shortened and intact. The mouth is closed. It is very responsive to Mitis shrimp, and light, which I fed it 3 days ago. It reacted to the food and stimulus normally. I left the pump off one night to see if it would help it find a comfortable spot but no change. It usually lays about 45 degrees to one side. Keeps drifting. Read somewhere about burying it in the sand or even using a short piece of 3.5"pvc pipe to make it its home. It seems like a spunky nomad. I would want it to settle before introducing a clown. Should I just back off and wait? Is temp too low? Iodine/Lugos solution? Any suggestions.