Rock stuck in my clam

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Oct 19, 2005
There is what appears to be a rock the size of a quarter that is stuck inside my clam. What is the best way to remove this without injuring the clam?
Don't clams/mollusks just cover such debris with mother of pearl as long as it's not too huge???? I've harvested mussels on the coast before and found little pearls inside from the mussels coating the debris with mother of pear.
Yah it definitely looks like a small rock piece =\ A friend has been watching it for me the last 4 months, and I just got it back today. Its been doing great in my friends tank, but when we went to transfer it today, we noticed that it wasn't closing up as we were handling it, which was concerning. I put it in my tank this evening, and while examining it after lights out with my flash light, I noticed the offending rock stuck inside the clam. It makes me queezy just looking at the rock stuck in the poor clams little lung thingies =(

I don't want to turn it up side down and possibly have the rock rip through the mantle, but I also don't think I have a steady enough hand to remove it with some tweezers... ugh!
Don't clams/mollusks just cover such debris with mother of pearl as long as it's not too huge???? I've harvested mussels on the coast before and found little pearls inside from the mussels coating the debris with mother of pear.
Oh it is quite large unfortunately =\ It is causing the clam discomfort and it cannot fully close.
You probably won't be able to use tweezers, as the clam would close up, as much as it can, as soon as you got near it. Turning it upside down, might work, but I think the clam would close up, in that instance as well. I'd suggest PMing Barry, or emailing him via his website.
Maybe try to leave the tank suspended hanging upside down for a day? I'm thinking that as it opens up and if it opens up enough, that gravity might dislodge it by itself. I wouldn't think that would hurt the clam to try it for a day or two. Just make sure to have it hanging securely.
This is one question that I can not honestly answer. Normally when something is inside the clam, it will open and close fast so to let it come out. Something like caughing if you will.

Can you post a picture?

It is really hard to take a picture of, but I gave it my best shot. You cant see it if you look dead on at the clam, only if you kind look in and to the side. The rock is about an inch long, and about a quarter inch thick from the looks of it. For frame of refrenece, you are looking at a huge crocea(5.5 inch).

I know I am new and going way way out on a limb but. I know with fish you can dose them with a chemical that kinda puts them into a deep sleep " I only know this because trimming puffers teeth that get to big have to be put some what under". Would this work with the clam so he would have time to use tweezers to get it out? Again this is just a thought so please don't flame me if I am way off haha
Is the clam fully extended and looking healthy?
I noted yesterday that my two croceas dont fully close when I'm handling them either.
Yah its extending all the way and is looking great. Just need to figure out how to get the rock out, lol.
I've never had a clam before, so i dont know to much about them, but it seems to me that if your clam still looks like it is doing great, why bother trying to take out the rock and risk hurting the clam. is the rock actually hurting it?
I tend to agree with arman. If it appears to be ok, then trying to take it out may cause more harm then good.