Rods-Food Review Two Thumbs Up

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Nov 20, 2003
St. Louis, MO
A number of my friends are using Rod's Food to feed their tank rather than making up their own blender mush. These friends are not prone to recommending something unless they really like the product. That's great by me because; A) When they do recommend something, I know to take notice and, B) I'm not prone to willy-nilly recommending things either.

Well, I'm going to make a public recommendation. This is only the second time I've ever done this for a food. The first time was for a frozen food called Cyclopeeze. Some of you may know that I kind of stepped in and took over managing a LFS TEMPORARILY. There were no dealers of Rod's Food in St. Louis so I told the owner to bring it in. I'm glad I did. We had two EXTREMELY expensive fish that wouldn't eat anything. To give you an idea of the cost to the store, the boxfish is $400 and the Blue Devil retails for over $600. In other words, if those two fish starved, the store would be out over $1,000. When I say they wouldn't eat anything, I mean they wouldn't eat ANYTHING. Guess what? They eat Rod's Food. THANK GOD!!!! Ok....I'll thank Rod too. :D

BTW, if you want to see what a White-Banded Boxfish and a Blue Devil Marine Betta look like, here's two links....

Blue Devil...
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The ingredients are published. Here is a quote from one of our sponsors.
INGREDIENTS: Shrimp, scallop, oyster, clam, Squid, octopus, enriched brine, krill, mysis, grouper, Red Plankton, broccoli, carrots, colliflower, Red Nori, green nori, selco, garlic, Golden pearlsTM (all sizes) DTs oyster eggsTM, nutra rose powder, fresh rotifers, fresh baby brine.
Rod's Food

The secret is in the way that those ingredients are put together and how, why, and when. If I told you the secret, I'd have to kill you. :D J/K I actually don't know how he does it. It doesn't matter anyway, I'm retiring my mush blender. I have stunk up the house and had stinky hands for the last time. I'll let him stink up his house and pay him for his labor gladly. Now that I'm down to only several nano-tanks, this will actually be much cheaper for me to boot.
Hey Jan i think we have a flat of it in the freezer. I'll check with Scott and let you know.

My fish wouldn't eat it but all of Scott's tangs and trigger were crazy over it.
Thanks, Colleen. :)

INGREDIENTS: Shrimp, scallop, oyster, clam, Squid, octopus, enriched brine, krill, mysis, grouper, Red Plankton, broccoli, carrots, colliflower, Red Nori, green nori, selco, garlic, Golden pearlsTM (all sizes) DTs oyster eggsTM, nutra rose powder, fresh rotifers, fresh baby brine.

sounds yummy, Curt....I'd have to love this if I were a coral.
OK, I just tried some "Rod's Food" tonight and my fish loved it. I mean, they really loved it! Thankyou, Scott and Colleen for the free food! :)

I would definitely go in with somebody on a group purchase of this stuff...I will use this up first though.
I have to agree. While I have never tried Rod's Food, I have heard very very great reviews.

I think if your clownfish doesn't eat Rod's Food at feeding time...something may be wrong.

I consider my self very lucky to be close to Rod. His food is fantastic, all of my fish and corals go crazy for it and PE is phenomenal after feeding! I recently purchased a powder brown tang with ick and it was gone in a week or so...

Great stuff, it's all that goes in my tank!

I also am a huge fan of Rod's Food. Beats making blender mush myself. I've been using it for a long time, and love it.
I need to order some, tired of the mess I make! :D
I would run skimmer wide open, fish should eat their fill before it gets down there, if it does then reduce your feeding to more frequent smaller portions. I would like to see what Lee thinks of this food, I have to question some of the ingredients as land veggies but that might be ok.
I think you have to order it online and have it overnight shipped from "Rod's Reef." That's why people go in on joint orders to share the shipping costs.
ya i think you gotta order it from Premiun aquatics, but i think it's better if you order it in a group order so it's less expensive hehe .

If we fed this same food every night, would our fish stay well nourished or is it better to feed a variety of brand foods such as Formula 1, brine stuffed with spirulina, etc? (I also feed seaweed in the morning)