rose anemone propagation

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Apr 27, 2007
danbury ct.
I'm trying to work up confidence to divide my absolutly beautiful, but unbelievably HUGE Rose anemone. I saw a step by step site that showed a picture of someone cuting one in half, but I wasn't clear if he was cutting in the direction with the mouth or the opposite direction the mouth is going? Also if I do this ,how far apart do I have to keep them. In my 75 gal. tank, space is an issue. Will they try to heal together ,or sting each other? If any one who has done this before has ANY suggestions I'd like to here from you .The expensive cost of this animal is secondary to it's beauty. But both are reasons for me to get this right. Thankyou for helping me now and in the past.
why not just let it divide on it's own. That way you can let nature do it and not have to worry that you'll kill your prized anemone. Just a thought.:)
I'd do a modified rubber band trick, I'd use a zip tie around it and whatever it is attached to to roughly divide it in two roughly equal halves and snug it down good across the mouth as it dumps it's water and shrinks (I've done this a couple of times with no problem, cutting them doesn't appeal to me), don't worry about which way the mouth goes, you won't hurt it, their healing powers are amazing, I almost threw one away several months ago that got sucked into a power head and had every single tentacle chopped off, it took two months to get to where I couldn't tell it from any of the others, I think it's the one the clown is in....

PS they don't sting each other, I've got three tanks full of them, trust me on this one...

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I've been feeding my rose anemone 3 times a week for a while.I don't want to feed more than that as to keep water clean. It wouldn't divide on it's own and is huge so I cut feedings to 1 time a week. Still huge. I'm going to divide it. The elastic method sounds interesting but if it is just as safe to slice with a barbors razor I think I would just do it and be done with it. I just want to be sure if it matters which way I cut through the mouth. If you have divided one this way please share your experiance, good or bad.
One of the recent Coral magazines shows how to propogate via cutting the anemone. You may want to try to find the issue. I do remember that the author cut the anemone in 2 laterally with the mouth. It looked pretty disturbing... but it worked.
1st find the mouth and cut using a scalpel or scissors splitting the anemone so that the mouth is split between them.
Remember the anemone is going to want to attach its self to whatever you lay it on. Try putting on a rubber glove and cut with scissors.
They will be fine
I find it interesting that people are disturbed by the thought of someone cutting into an anemone when I'm sure they have done the same thing to coral (which are the same as anemones, they're all cnidarians).
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From what you fine people are telling me, I guess it doesn't matter whether I cut with the direction of the mouth or opposite the direction of the mouth. So unless someone has a good reason, within the next couple days, I'm going to cut in the opposite direction of the mouth because to me it seems as though each would have a complete mouth, even if it is just half the size. Thanks for all the input everyone. I will be sure to post the results .
I have a green BTA that met up with my Hydor PH two nights ago. It is in the sump recovering and it is nice to hear that others have met with the same fate and their BTA's have survived. Along the path to finding out info on injured BTA's, this link was given to me. Hope it will help with the delima of cutting your BTA.
