Rose Anemone Shrinking

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Thanks for the update.

What brand of test kit are you using? How old are they. Most test kits need to be replaced after 12 months or less of use as they become less accurate. I've found inaccuracy in Salfert kits as early as 9 months use.

Can you test the pH sometime after the lights go out for the night, preferably 2 hours or so after. Or earlier before they come on?

Has the Alk/Dkh consistantly been at that level the entire time? How are you maintaining Ca/Alk? Two part, Kalk, or Ca reactor?

I suspect one of two things is going on here.....

Your pH might be dropping pretty low at night, which would stress out the anemone. Although where your tank is located doesnt indicate this would be an issue.


The clowns could be getting rough with the anemone. Maroons are famous for being hard on anemone's and three Maroons in a 9 inch BTA is going to be hard on the anemone.

Another possibility is that the Alk/Dkh is bothering it. I know my H.magnifica's show signs of stress when the Alk is too low, or when the pH is too low.

Have you taken your water to the LFS for testing to see if your results are the same as theirs?

My tests kits are new, just replaced them 3 weeks ago. I use API for the basics, ph. nitrate/nitrite, ammonia, kh, cal.

I have taken the water to my local reef store and he has the same parameters as my tests kits. Would it be wise to increase the amount of anemones?

I will test ph this evening after lights out for a couple hours or so.

I am assuming my calcium is high because of my salt mix Oceanic. I was told it is high in cal. My Local reef store swears by it. I do have C-Balance parts A/B but that was increasing cal levels over 500 (about 530). I do about 10% water changes every 2 weeks.

My filtration is a Remora HoB skimmer and an AquaClear 70 .

Thank you for everything. I am getting great information and it is helping me go from fish-newbie to intermediate, Lol.
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My tests kits are new, just replaced them 3 weeks ago. I use API for the basics, ph. nitrate/nitrite, ammonia, kh, cal.

I have taken the water to my local reef store and he has the same parameters as my tests kits. Would it be wise to increase the amount of anemones?

I will test ph this evening after lights out for a couple hours or so.

I am assuming my calcium is high because of my salt mix Oceanic. I was told it is high in cal. My Local reef store swears by it. I do have C-Balance parts A/B but that was increasing cal levels over 500 (about 530). I do about 10% water changes every 2 weeks.

Thank you for everything. I am getting great information and it is helping me go from fish-newbie to intermediate, Lol.

Aquarium Pharmaceuticals makes some good stuff...but I dont consider their test kits to be part of it. Their kits are fine for freshwater, and for Marine Fish Only tanks, (FO's or FOWLER = Fish Only With Live Rock), but for reef keeping, they arent as accurate as some of the others that are readily available. I like Salifert Kits, but have heard good things about Elos kits as well. The LaMotte kits are also highly regarded and priced accordingly.

I would try a new Salifert Alk/Dkh kit and test it against your API kit. The Salifert Alk kit is the least expensive one at around $14.99. If it shows the same or very close to your API kit, then you're not spending a great deal of money confirming your current kits. If its off significantly, then you know what you need to do.

Oceanic salt is high in Ca, and used to have higher phosphates than other salts. They may have fixed that issue though. I dont know, I use Instant Ocean as its the easiest to find locally.

I wouldnt add more anemones until you know whats stressing this one first. If its the clowns, just watching them will let you know fairly quickly. If its not the clowns, whatever the cause is will most likely affect this anemone as well.

Let's figure out the cause before you go thanking me.... ;)

But you're quite welcome.

I like anemone's in my aquariums too....
