sailfin tang not eating

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May 7, 2009
sailfin tang had about a year ate regular and routinely the whole time and yesterday and today sluggish and not eating. Nothing has changed in tank no new fish or corals and all other fish acting and eating normally. Any ideas?
Sorry to hear this. They are one of my favorite fishes.

Assuming water quality, diet, space, and environment are top notch, and eliminating a disease or pathogen, then there leaves the possibility of this is as much captivity as the fish can handle.

We rarely know how the fish we acquired was handled and there is a possibility that in handling the fish was just too stressed.

Often though, it is water quality, diet, space, or environment which may appear to be okay, but which there has been a chronic problem that has finally caught up with the fish. Not all fish react immediately to an issue -- not all issues are acute -- some take the stress until the fish is spent.
Didnt make it

thanks for the help he passed on last nite. the temp stays at 80 degrees fairly constant may dip up or down 1 degree once and awhile salinity at 1.025 nitrate are 0.It is a 150 gallon tank with a 40 gallon sump so he had plenty of room to swim All other fish are fine had him just over a year and this was the first time noticing this strange action and only lasted 2 days before he was gone.
Hate it when that happens. Love my sailfin, other than when I'm trying to take pics of the tank of anything but him.
Sorry for your loss, Capemercy. Sailfins have such personality.

Are they all camera hogs by nature? They always seem to love the spotlight!