Salt questions

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Jul 11, 2005
I'm using Instant Ocean salt in my garbage can for water changes and the salt does not seem to fully dissolve, is this normal? The bucket I'm using now is about 2 years old.
What kind of salt is everyone else using? I haven't seen this question come up for a while so I'm checking to see if there is something better then the instant ocean I'm using now.
Mix it better and wait for it to disolve! It works fine for me. How do you check your salinity if it's not all disolved?

I'm using Instant Ocean salt in my garbage can for water changes and the salt does not seem to fully dissolve, is this normal? The bucket I'm using now is about 2 years old.
What kind of salt is everyone else using? I haven't seen this question come up for a while so I'm checking to see if there is something better then the instant ocean I'm using now.
I mix the salt using a powerhead and I will move the powerhead around the can mixing up the salt that settles to the bottom. The water gets cloudy with salt and after awhile the water is clear and I will have salt sitting on the bottom of the can. I can do this over and over for several days and I can never get it all to dissolve. I wait till the water is clear and I check the salinity. Its been doing this for a long while and just figured that all the salt doesn't dissolve.
you can let it settle out, use the rest of the mixed salt water, just measure the sg to make sure it is right. I normally heat the water first to help with it to dissolve faster & better IMO.
I've used 3 different salts over the years and there is always seems to be some sort of 'left over's' once the salt has been mixed. Currently I'm using IO Reef Crystals and I've found that the best way to mix it has been to add the salt to water and stir it up a bit with a length of pvc I use for a stir stick. I rigged up 2 power heads that hang about half way down in my water can from a piece of pvc that spans the center of the can at the top so that the powerheads point straight down at the bottom of the can. This seems to be prevent almost all of the setteling and mixes up pretty well. I would say what you don't want is your powerhead just pushing the water in a circular motion around the sides of the can.
For mixing salt, I put everything into a 5G buck with a maxijet and small heater, let it sit overnight, and then into the tank the next day. Check your salinity after the 24 hours because it can change from when you first mixed. I usually mix it at 1.024 or so and then bump it just before adding it to the tank. And yes, there is generally some light residue in the bucket even after 24 hours of aeration.

I mix instant ocean in a 35 gallon garbage can with a powerhead and a heater. It usually mixes about 24 H before I do a water change, and it is always disolves.

Maybe you aren't letting it mix long enough. I read that some ammonia is released from the salt when you first mix it, so you should let it mix 24H+ before adding it into your system.
If you’re not already you should always mix the salt into the water, never add water to the salt. It just will not mix up well and could cause fall out in the water like what you’re having. Or it could just be old salt that is contaminated some how. Maybe by moisture.
25+ years using I/O without any problems. Lots of good mixing ideas above. +1 on adding salt to heated ro/di water which brings up a question... do you use RO or RO/DI water ? If not and you happen to have hard water you would definately have a problem getting all salt to dissolve.

I have been using IO Reef Crystals for about 6 months now. My last batch I purchased started leaving behind residue. I mix 2 20 gallon containers at a time. I mix it for 2 weeks, make sure it's 1.025 @ 75 degrees then I take it into the house for a water change.

I don't know if IO had a "bad batch" of salt, but the first 200 gallons I mixed up this year all mixed up with no left over residue.
I have been using IO Reef Crystals for about 6 months now. My last batch I purchased started leaving behind residue. I mix 2 20 gallon containers at a time. I mix it for 2 weeks, make sure it's 1.025 @ 75 degrees then I take it into the house for a water change.

I don't know if IO had a "bad batch" of salt, but the first 200 gallons I mixed up this year all mixed up with no left over residue.

2 weeks. . . . . :shock:
Its been 24 hours into the making of this batch I have about 20 gallons, its at 1.021 and 70 degrees and I have about a teaspoon of salt left over on the bottom. Yes I'm using RODI water,
i hate to bump heads with the elders but, ive bin useing Tropic marin, and Pro reef for years.. 10 of 15g water changes have never taken me more then 15 min,

the water is heated and ready, i place two cups in to two buckets (home depot) fill to a line with fresh RoDi, mix with an 18volt dAwalt and the lonest kent scraper... never even check my salt...

i would recommend switching, i dont under stand why the extra work wouldnt be enough to change, Just my thought not trying to come down on other salt user's, its just what i speak is the truth, and its proven,

the little bit of extra money IMO is worth the less time and energy spent