Salty's In-Wall

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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May 11, 2006
Lake Tapps/ Bonney lake
Here it is finally, I still have a few small thing to do like get the cords cleaned up in the sump area but mostly complete. Nothing overly spectacular but is a nice addition to our recroom.

90g AGA tank
20g glass fuge with drilled over flow and gravity fed back to the display
30g Oceanic glass sump
2-250w MH running 20k bulbs
Atinic PC's
Phosban reactor
4 Koralia pwerheads (2-1's and 2-4's)

Around 120 lb's of live rock
1 1/2" sand bed
A bunch of corals
Powder Blue Tang
Leopard wrasse
Fire shrimp
Cleaner shrimp
Diamond Goby
Bicolor blenny
Lawnmower blenny
Snails Tank/?albumview=slideshow
Excellent in wall. I like how your fuge gravity feeds into the display.

what is the reason for having the MH's staggered in height?
Thanks everyone, the MH's are pretty much the same hieght and the PC pendant is above the MH's. I use the PC's for start up and shut down lighting. Mainly because of the lack of room, I had to run the lights this way.
Oh, I did not realize those were PC's. Could the MH's be turned sideways for better coverage?

Again, everything looks great.
Not really, I tried that but too many dead spots, the coral seems to be doing just fine so I am going to leave the lighting for now. I might go with a 48" pfo hood in the future.
"they only let him out on the weekends"

Not any more..... they put an apron on him and keep him IN on weekends now!

Tank is looking good! As before, I loke your taste in aquascaping.
NICE job Mike. Love the wood work. Have to come by a see it sometime. You can't sneak nothing by that FishyFishy guy. Me thinks hims has secret powers.
Looks like you took care of the air bub's on the above refuge.

PS Nice avatar.
Danno: I think I seen that guy before. Was he in "ONE FLEW OVER THE COOKOOS NEST".
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PS Nice avatar.
Danno: I think I seen that guy before. Was he in "ONE FLEW OVER THE COOKOOS NEST".

Tracy, I think the movie your thinking of is "DELIVERANCE"!!! :eek:

yes that's my crazy uncle, they only let him out on the weekends:lol:

Mike, I don't think I'd admit being related to that guy. I'll try to hook up with your "crazy uncle" and stop by to see your system. Looks good BTW.
The 135g is going great! all the pieces are falling into place slowly but surely ,the wife has caught onto all the ups shippments from marine depot though and shes freaking out !:) shes is threating me with macroni & cheese for a week if they don't slow down, I can't wait till this next week when my Geo 612 calcium reactor arrives, I am sure it will be changed to Top Ramen! :) lol