Mopar Reefer
I need a cheaper hobby!
Looking for a SS goby for my 90gal, any thoughts?
personally, I never had good luck with golden head sleepers..always die within 1-2 months.
I prefer the orange diamond goby...i've had this one almost 3yrs sifting my 375g tank...
the key to any sand sifting goby is get them to eat frozen food (meat), otherwise they will starve and die..
personally, I never had good luck with golden head sleepers..always die within 1-2 months.
I prefer the orange diamond goby...i've had this one almost 3yrs sifting my 375g tank...
the key to any sand sifting goby is get them to eat frozen food (meat), otherwise they will starve and die..
In the begining I lost a orange spotted goby to carpet surfing, I have since learned.
The brown barred goby is also called the sleeper goby or the banded goby right?
I was warned when i first got him so i made a cover for my tank but some how they both slipped out from a whole i still cant seem to find.