I was wondering if anyone had a opinion of these reactors and the media. How often are you refilling it? Is the design actually as efficient as they claim?
mattseattle said:I use one and am happy with it for the most part. I think I've been refilling it about every 6 months.
As far as efficiency, I can't really say... it seems to be as I barely use any CO2 and the pH remains about 6.3 steady.
mattseattle said:The only major negative to the reactor is how non-userfriendly it is to change out the media.
big t said:You guys need to drill a hole in the top and tap it for a JG fitting, then you run a line from that and T it into one of the intake lines going into the pump, this will make a c02 recirc loop. I am assuming that it dosn't already have one.
mattseattle said:it already has one but over time it seems to build up and you have an air space at the top of the reactor.