Scoly baby?

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Apr 17, 2009
My scoly has a little knobble of something growing out of its side. It looks like a miniture scoly but is only the size of a pencil eraser. Unfortunately I havent been able to post pictures on this site.

Do scoly's reproduce this way?
Sounds super awesome. I don't really know how they reproduce but i have seen pics of ones that look like they are going to split, like they form two mouths and slowly pull away from each other. No reason to think that this is the only way they might reproduce. I'm interested to hear what this nublet will do in the future, Does it eat like the bigger one?
okay, so here is a picture on photobucket. I hope this works. The "baby is to the left of the middle part of skeleton and of course is rather hard to see but you can if you look close.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Scoly Baby?"></a>