SEA-MAX 2011 in Seattle, WA!

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most of this "constructive critism" directed at Kevin specifically is just a bunch of whining since it doesn't make a difference anyway.

Not really Sandra, it serves notice for other similar companies that may attempt it in the future and also lets locals know what flies and what doesnt. I didnt even know this event didnt work until some companies back east had told me. The Seattle area has had most events like this (Seamax, Macna, Westren Marine Conference and others) hold events and all of them have not faired well and have not come back.

Events like this one and similar are based on a number of offerings, Education with the speakers and manufactures talking about their equipment, Deals on frags and stuff from direct sales and then the general social stuff. Seattle is an area that really focuses of frag swaping and I think alot of people that went to this figured this was going to be one big frag swap with great deals and were not to worried the others. No biggie it is what it is, sorry to hear that it didnt work out for you that tried to put it together.

Not really Sandra, it serves notice for other similar companies that may attempt it in the future and also lets locals know what flies and what doesnt. I didnt even know this event didnt work until some companies back east had told me. The Seattle area has had most events like this (Seamax, Macna, Westren Marine Conference and others) hold events and all of them have not faired well and have not come back.

Events like this one and similar are based on a number of offerings, Education with the speakers and manufactures talking about their equipment, Deals on frags and stuff from direct sales and then the general social stuff. Seattle is an area that really focuses of frag swaping and I think alot of people that went to this figured this was going to be one big frag swap with great deals and were not to worried the others. No biggie it is what it is, sorry to hear that it didnt work out for you that tried to put it together.


Why is that events like this do not do well in Seattle? It would seem there would be a huge turnout seeing as how there are so many dedicated reefers around here. I know for Seamax I planned way in advance and drove 3 hours from Portland , braved the confusing downtown seattle area, had to pay for a place to stay the entire weekend. I would think that for people locally it would be a can't miss event. I was very surprised by the very low turnout.
Its in the numbers, In seattle we have only so many folks that are into saltwater (less then 1/3 of those into fresh), mix in a bit that with those numbers we are more spread out, that leaves you with a relitively small number to draw from in the best of scenerios. From their you start taking out the folks that have plans, or that the weather is to nice, and then that those that are only looking for the deals and it widdles down what ends up showing up at the door, then minus those that wont bu anything unless its the deal of the century and you kind of get what happend to all the shows that have attempted.

Havivng been envolved in the Psas I can tell you that the frag swap brings in more members then probibly all the other meetings combined?? right??

Its in the numbers, In seattle we have only so many folks that are into saltwater (less then 1/3 of those into fresh), mix in a bit that with those numbers we are more spread out, that leaves you with a relitively small number to draw from in the best of scenerios. From their you start taking out the folks that have plans, or that the weather is to nice, and then that those that are only looking for the deals and it widdles down what ends up showing up at the door, then minus those that wont bu anything unless its the deal of the century and you kind of get what happend to all the shows that have attempted.

Havivng been envolved in the Psas I can tell you that the frag swap brings in more members then probibly all the other meetings combined?? right??


Yeah the frag swap sounds awesome. I definitely want to attend one. I just would have thought Seattle would have a huge draw. I would like to go to Macna one of these days
ill deff be their at the PSAS frag swap! Ive already got some frags growing and by than, hopefully ill have some more! ...
Hmmm Psas frag swap....hmmm

I don't care what anyone says Kevin and Tammy did a great job with seamax!
Just a few thoughts for whoever tries a large scale event like this in the future. We can all agree its a numbers game. Right? Well it would seem to me that we need not only the hardcore reefers who read the magazines, follow the forums, read the blogs, and buy online, but also the newbies or those who are thinking about starting saltwater. The second group needs to be reached through local radio, newspaper, and local tv. The Pet Expo the week before SEAMAX was a smashing success by all accounts and I heard about it on TV and the radio (I understand they cater to a bigger customer base). I bet one of the major local tv stations would have been thrilled to do a spot from SEAMAX setup on friday evening. They could cover Nemo, the touch tank, and Baby Sharks. That should be enough to get them down there and it would have been free exposure. Add in a few of the other suggestions and I think there is a way Seattle and the PNW could support some sort of show. Just not sure how big.

I want to reiterate Barrier Reef's thanks and appreciation to Kevin, all the volunteers, vendors, and attendees. We know it was a lot of hard work. We had a blast and would do it again. Hopefully, we get invited to the PSAS frag swap!
I did not go to SEAMAX because I was working, howerever I would have if not. So far from reading this I think that Cy has had the best point to really get numbers in. In my opinion it had nothing to do with the time of the season or the price. The people that wanted to go did go plain and simple. I think the reefing community in the PNW just isn't what it used to be. Those that have been around for long enough know what I am talking about. Looking through the classifieds is like looking at a grave yard compared to what it used to be. A few months ago I couldn't even find someone to sell me caulerpa. It is just a low point in the hobby, and I am sure it will come back in a few years we just have to wait and see...

Please take this as a grain of salt, as again it is just my opinion. I am glad those that attended had a great time. Thanks,

I did write a few Emails to the local news telling them about SEAMAX and it would have been a great saturday morning piece.
No one showed.
Just to throw this out there, if something like that came to the Bahamas, I bet you a lot of people who never had a fish tank would be there. I pay a little more than the $25 just to go over to Altantis and look at their fish tanks and exibits. They have one petting section where you can touch conchs etc, but alot of locals pay this just to walk through and look at the tanks. I agree with Cy on the point that one group needs to be reached through local radio, newspaper, and local tv. This group will be covering that group of people I mentioned who are those maybe just looking for something different and fun to do. I can't think of one person who wouldn't be facinated about looking at beautiful fish tanks especially children. Along the way, they may become interested enough just by looking aroung to dive in to the hobby. :)
just pulled back into Orange County at 6am this morning....extremely exhausted. Almost lost one of the rigs again (north of Portland) if not for the grace of god. But we are home and in one piece.

I am very sorry I haven't responded to the many e-mails and PMs people have sent in support, just yet. Please give me a day or two to recover and I'll be back posting soon. until then...ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
just pulled back into Orange County at 6am this morning....extremely exhausted. Almost lost one of the rigs again (north of Portland) if not for the grace of god. But we are home and in one piece.

I am very sorry I haven't responded to the many e-mails and PMs people have sent in support, just yet. Please give me a day or two to recover and I'll be back posting soon. until then...ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Glad you made it home safely!!

Get your much deserved rest!
For anyone interested in the upcoming MAX show in SoCal March 30-April 1, is an album of our last MAX show:

MAX 2011 Photo Album

this is completely unedited, so whatever our photographer pointed and shot is what you see here in over a hundred photos.
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Ladies and Gentlemen,
After settling in at home and now taking some time to reflect, re-read and revise some things, I have to admit that post #142 sounded pretty harsh and definitive when in fact I had directly contradicted myself (I am really surprised that nobody caught that). Remember my original statement? "The Exhibitors call all the shots, not me"
When I stated that the exhibitors would not support a repeat event, I was merely expressing a professional opinion. (and I don't think I have to tell you what opinions are worth, now do I) : )
So what I am saying is.... if there ever was a glimmer of hope in getting another large expo to come to the Seattle area (whether it be SEA-MAX or any other organized event) Here it is.
I have no suggestions at the moment, mind you, I am merely retracting a previous statement that I have no right to make. I really do hope the clubs succeed in pulling in some kind of miracle. We love the Seattle area and would like to visit it again some day (um, just without the driving next time)
sorry for the confusion
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Kevin I sent you an email the other day from the account we were talking on prior to Seamax. If you get it can you get back at me. I have some property that belongs to you.


Both Photo Albums have now been added to the MAX website.

There is a button for both MAX 2011 and SEA-MAX 2011 (about midpage just below the yellow butterfly fish)

Click Here: Marine Aquarium Expo

Please note the SEA-MAX album is not complete (only 35 random photos thus far)
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