Seaclone 150...good buy?

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Have never heard one good thing about those. Save your money for something a little more efficent, you will later be glad you did.:)
Tropical Nursery (one of the LFS) here in the Bahamas (which I rarely shop at) sells Seaclone skimmers...And if Tropical Nursery is selling it, then it's got to be a waste of time (LOL). I fought with the same question as you did for a while, but evtually found one I was happy with (My Aqua C EV120). What budget are you working with?
So if I undertand you you are not planning on getting corals at all is that correct? It makes a big difference as most of us do have corals and they require heavy skimming if you are only going to have fish then that changes thing's !
hmmm, tough choice between the 2 skimmers above, but scince you can get the pre-modified asm on that website, i'd have to go with the asm skimmer. i definately think the life reef is better built, by like a factor of 10 :eek: but the method of the asm skimmer i think works a little better for probably less money. for you to get the lifereef skimmer to perform as well as the modified asm skimmer you would have to buy an expensive external pump like an iwaki or the like. all in all youd be in the hole probably after shipping around $600. for a 90g aquarium you can get the modified asm shipped to your door for around $355, and thats the G-3 model with the gate valve mod as well as the recirculating mod.
something tells me that's probably a little more money than you were planning on spending, considering you were looking at a sea clone.
i feel that even though you are planning on a fish only system, that an oversized skimmer is still a paramount factor for your long term success.
a skimmer designed for a 200+ tank on a 90g ensures a fair amount of stability, and you can never have too much of that. definately not overkill imo.
dont even get me started on the "seaclown" :)
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Looking to spend about $200.00.
If I decide to go with a limited amount of corals, I would have to upgrade lighting. Not thinking of going with corals.
I agree that more is better.
I also have limited space. Could g with a HOB skimmer, but would rather put it in my sump. I have a 10 gallon sump and half of it is bioballs (lets not even get into that conversation. LOL).
$200 is going to be a hard one to work with if you want a really good and effecient skimmer. It would probably be in your best interest to put the money aside until you accumilate a little more money (unless you come across great deal). If you are ready to get one now and don't really feel like waiting then I'll look around myself a little harder to see if I can help you find something in that price range. I'm sure there are good buys out there which will do the job just fine. The only reason I spent what I did on a FO setup, is because I always like to have more than I need just in case. I will look a bit today, if work permits, but for sure when I get home to see what I can find (as I know I have some bookmarked on my computer home). Good luck and I'll let you know what I find.
Thanks Krish,
You are right. I should re consider the amount I want to spend. But, having 55lb of live rock and only looking to stock 10 or 12 fish, I figured I could get away with a more moderate skimmer. I will also shop for a used one posibly.

Talk with you later.
Yeah that is a logical thought on figuring you could get away with a moderate skimmer for your setup...And you probably could. If you take care of your tank like you should with the feeding, cleaning etc. then you should be fine. The only problem comes when you get bored with your setup and want to throw in more fish, corals etc and then realize your skimmer just ain't gonna cut it.
Oh, I almost forgot. I was looking at the precision marine skimmers while shopping for a skimmer and found them to be pretty cool. The venturi type and air-driven, seem reasonable. I'm not sure how they perform, but they should be nice as they are designed in the same fashion as a lot of the other similar type skimmers. Here is a link to what they look like and their specs. You'd probably have to get some feed back from someone who has had experience with them...I'll see if I can find a general price on them from one of the sponsors if you are still deciding on getting one now around the $200 range.
i like that perscision marine skimmer, i've worked with those before , i put a dolphin 800 on it and it rocked! also , there is nothing wrong with buying a used skimmer, especially if it means you can oversize for the same amount of money. you might wanna keep an eye on ebay ;)
o.k. i got it for $200!!!
check these out!
at the bottom of the page you will see the ps-wd26, a very well made euroreef knock off body style for $99.99

then get the first pump on this page, the sedra 5000 needle wheel for 89.99
there you go, a kick butt skimmer for $200 the only problem i noticed is that the skimmer body is out of stock at the moment, i'd call and find out when they are getting more in :)
Good looking out for James (Skimerwhisperer)! It's also good to know that the Precision Marine skimmer I looked at buying, if I did buy it, wouldn't have been a bad thing. I'd say the only thing that turned me away a bit from the venturi style as well as the bullet series was the fact that you have to un-screw the top to clean it. Otherwise, I liked the construction.
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I bought a new MRC-1 without the pump on RC pretty cheap. I also got a mag 12 new on RC for like $60. I have had it running for a little over a week. Easy to adjust, tons of skimmate and almost dead silent. Only downfall I see is the lager pump needed to run it. If you want to see pics let me know.
Mungus is right. I also looked at them and are really cool. Reef Exotics sells them too. I think it was Myreefcreations though that have some on specials...Like refurbs etc, but all replaced with new parts and in working order. It would probably be a good thing to check out.