Actually, if you go to and the Propagation and Rearing Forum, you will see few if any use the krieisel style any more. My system of using 4L jars with the rounding of the top creating the circular motion about as close as it gets nowadays. There are a myriad of methods used now, with some working for some and not others. Many are starting to adopt the tub version scaled down from Dan Underwood's systems.
It took me until the tenth try to be successful raising H. reidi fry and only about 30% got to four months. Successive batches have gotten to 60 to 65% now, with Dan Underwood getting 80 to 90% depending on the various species he raises.
If you are raising benthic fry species like southern erectus, then you usually can start right off with ongrown enriched bbs.
If you are raising pelagic fry like reidi or kuda, most times you need to start with enriched rotifers, and, if you have some, copepods appropriately sized.
Usually after the first two weeks for pelagic, I mix rots and enriched bbs and after they reach 4 weeks old, only the enriched bbs.
The best enrichment for rots and brine is Dan's Feed from
It comes in powdered form and is a balanced food with a lot of extra's to it. It also will store a lot longer than the Selco/Selcon emulsions.
The Selco/Selcon emulsions are only enhancing the huffa content (fatty acid) whereas the Dans Feed does that plus protein and vitamins and even Beta Glucan if you want that version.
Some pictures and description of my H. reidi fry raising