Sebae Anemone

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Well-known member
May 12, 2007
Hi Anthony

I know is not the best place to post abouth the anemone but I raelly need some help with this.

I just started on the hobby 3 month ago I live in mexico, unfurtanally here in the pest stores (if they can be name like that) there know very litle abouth the needs of the Saltwater life.

The one of the firts thing than I bought was a Sebae Anemone wich was prety as I see it knowing nothing abouth it, by advise of one person on the pet store. Now I have read a lot and I saw than is not what it supost to be it is bleach and small, I wiil really like to improve the life but, i dont know how, I would really like if you could tell me.

I have set up a 55 g tank with one 250W MH, SB, LR, and some Shroom to start, alog with some zoos.

Give and advise about what to eat and how often, for now I am giving shrimp and some calamar every 2 or 3 days. alog with a zoo.... by kent marine invertebrate food. it was palce it on the midle seccion on the tank but today she jump to the buttom, so I place it in the botoom and she opens rigth away she like it there. The picks are where she use to be. she is healthy but bleach.

The color has start to change from with to a litle light brown (wich I think is good, isn´t?)

My family had been very in love with "mona" her name, so I really want to help her to get her beaty

Thanx a lot anthony.
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Hi Aaron,

I hope Anthony responds to you soon. I just wanted to say that it is good that it's starting to get back some color.

Your feeding schedule sounds fine from the little that I know, and you should feed only very small pieces (easier to digest).

What is the flow like in your tank? Anemones like moderate flow and consistently good water quality. Your lighting sounds good.

Hi Aaron,

I hope Anthony responds to you soon. I just wanted to say that it is good that it's starting to get back some color.

Your feeding schedule sounds fine from the little that I know, and you should feed only very small pieces (easier to digest).

What is the flow like in your tank? Anemones like moderate flow and consistently good water quality. Your lighting sounds good.

I have two powerheads in the end of the tank each, and the return from the chiller is an IWAKI pump 20xrlt so flow I think is good

I'm not an expert and am just learning like you are, but your flow sounds fine too. As long as you have protected the powerheads and overflow to prevent the anemone from accidentally killing himself in one of them, and assuming your water quality is clean and stable, I think you should be good to go. Looking forward to hearing what other folks have to say...:)

I'm not an expert and am just learning like you are, but your flow sounds fine too. As long as you have protected the powerheads and overflow to prevent the anemone from accidentally killing himself in one of them, and assuming your water quality is clean and stable, I think you should be good to go. Looking forward to hearing what other folks have to say...:)

Hi jan thanx for the info, I have just post a picture of "mona" in may main post.

Take a look and tell me what do you think.
Well, the flesh looks firm and the mouth is closed, so other than being very light it looks "viable" to me. I think it can continue to improve with continued TLC from you. I've seen photos of anemones in far worse shape than yours that did pull through. It takes a while though --weeks to months--before they are 100% back to their old selves (according to the account of a woman who rescues dying anemonies from LFS...generally a high-risk endeavor.) Just do as much research as you can. There's a good book called Clownfish that has lots of info. about anemone care.
Well, the flesh looks firm and the mouth is closed, so other than being very light it looks "viable" to me. I think it can continue to improve with continued TLC from you. I've seen photos of anemones in far worse shape than yours that did pull through. It takes a while though --weeks to months--before they are 100% back to their old selves (according to the account of a woman who rescues dying anemonies from LFS...generally a high-risk endeavor.) Just do as much research as you can. There's a good book called Clownfish that has lots of info. about anemone care.

Jan sorry to bother you again but whats is a TLC? and LFS?
yeah dood your anemone looks bleached, but the brown that you're starting to see means it's healing.
it seems like you got the right conditions and i agree with what Jan said .
feed it, do your water changes (specially since it's a young tank) and i'm sure it'll live :).
Here are a few pics of what my sebae looks like. I also have a 250 watt metal halide. Just let it move to where it wants to be. As to supplimental feeding(other than from the light) I have no idea what the best food is. I use misid shrimp, squid, and clam cubes. It seems to like them all!


wow thats a anemone

I will keep a close aye and feed her regular basics.

Thank you all for your help.:D

You have a Bubbletip Anemone, (E.quadricolor) not a Sebae anemone, (either H.crispa or H.malu as Sebae is a generic term used for both).

You do need to keep feeding your anemone regularly so that it can get its zooxanthellae back....

Like Jan suggested, you need to cover your powerhead and filter intakes to keep the anemone from being injured, as they like to wander around from time to time. In the event this happens to your anemone, DO NOT PULL IT OUT OF THE FILTER/POWERHEAD/PUMP. TURN OFF THE PUMP AND LET THE ANEMONE WORK ITSELF OUT. The can survive horrible injuries and regenerate if in a healthy environment. In my signature, you'll see a link to the Reef Frontiers resource library. There are many articles on anemones there if you look.

Good luck nursing your anemone back to health.


You have a Bubbletip Anemone, (E.quadricolor) not a Sebae anemone, (either H.crispa or H.malu as Sebae is a generic term used for both).

You do need to keep feeding your anemone regularly so that it can get its zooxanthellae back....

Like Jan suggested, you need to cover your powerhead and filter intakes to keep the anemone from being injured, as they like to wander around from time to time. In the event this happens to your anemone, DO NOT PULL IT OUT OF THE FILTER/POWERHEAD/PUMP. TURN OFF THE PUMP AND LET THE ANEMONE WORK ITSELF OUT. The can survive horrible injuries and regenerate if in a healthy environment. In my signature, you'll see a link to the Reef Frontiers resource library. There are many articles on anemones there if you look.

Good luck nursing your anemone back to health.


Thank you MAXX

I tought at firts it was a buble tip, but
i saw an article of one anemene than looks exactly as mine. Nice to know the exact anemone

The power heads are quiet far from the anemone but they have their entries cover.

I hope it get better soon.

see ya
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You probably want to place some sort of cover, over the powerhead covers. Alot of times wandering anemones get sucked into the powerhead intake screens. I would suggest something like eggcrate or something're just trying to keep the anemone from the intake.

I am very new at this too, but from what I have read, keeping an eye on your water parameters are very important. Anemones won't tolerate poor water quality. From your pic, Mona looks quite happy, so you must be doing something right! Good luck with Mona and keep us posted on her progress.
I am very new at this too, but from what I have read, keeping an eye on your water parameters are very important. Anemones won't tolerate poor water quality. From your pic, Mona looks quite happy, so you must be doing something right! Good luck with Mona and keep us posted on her progress.

Yes its look happy. Thank you. but i want it to go back to waht it should be
not to worry my friend... faithful daily feedings (fine foods only... minced mysis or smaller... cyclopeeze/ will bring this anemone back to full color in less than 3 months. You will see... but please be very faithful on the feedings!
not to worry my friend... faithful daily feedings (fine foods only... minced mysis or smaller... cyclopeeze/ will bring this anemone back to full color in less than 3 months. You will see... but please be very faithful on the feedings!

Than you Anthony

One more thing could you tell me what kind of anemone is? some people say sebae another say bouble.

Thank you again
bleached and retracted, it is hard to ID even to genus here... but before I read the text/post, I thought it may well be a "sebae"

Dont rule out Heteractis species yet (crispa or malu)

Lets see after it colors up.