Seeking ID.

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Jul 30, 2007
Springfield MO
Last night, while hunting out a gorilla crab, these guys flocked the flashlight. There are bright blue, and bright red ones. Once in a while one would stop and rest for a second or two on the glass, and I was able to get a better look at them. They look like miniature bristle worms, maybe 1/8" in length, but swim in the water column. After clicking on the video, onced it opens, you can click the blue tab right under the vid to make it full-screen to see better. Thanks in advance!

wow they do look like bristle worms. I have seen some baby ones swimming around when I first setup our tank, but they weren't as active as yours, and they were not blue either!
wow they do look like bristle worms. I have seen some baby ones swimming around when I first setup our tank, but they weren't as active as yours, and they were not blue either!

My thoughts exactly. Most of the small critters I have found over the years are either transparent, or red... Blue is new to me... I'm sure someone will pop in with a positive ID. I have it on the "big three" forums all day, and have yet to get a positive ID. I seem to get all the hard to ID wierd critters. The last one Booomer ID'd for me, he had never seen in a home aquarium.. and I have tons of em... lol

I have seen the red ones at times and was under the impression that they were pods. If they're not, I'd be interested to find out what they really are.
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Thats what they are. I found a vid of the free swimming form, and its exactly what I have. I would have netted one, but at the time, that was the least of my worries. I was crab hunting a gorilla crab when I discovered them.. lol..

Thanks once again Boomer!

do read Fenner's story on epitokes on WWM or in our reef inverts book... a hoot (he ate them :p).

I've been asked to collect them for locals while in the South Pacific. They are a delicacy.

Good call Boomer!
Hi Anthony
cheers, my friend :) I am peeking out of my hermitage :p

Actually out from under a pile of boxes of books/mags to ship. I'm getting old and need a job with less lifting :D
the irony is that I got out of slinging distributor volumes of corals (just a few dollars a piece in multi-hundreds lots) each week because I was getting weary of wielding a few thousand pounds of water in boxes by hand truck each week.... writing and photography seemed like a logical projection. It turns out though that packing hundreds of books/mags loaded with colorful inked pages each day is not lighter work. :D
It turns out though that packing hundreds of books/mags loaded with colorful inked pages each day is not lighter work.

You are to old for any of that lifiting stuff :lol:...:D Get some hired help there Anth. A Couple of kids 10 bucks/ hr, with 2 bucks / hr as cash pay and the rest of their pay, 8 bucks/hr, will be a learning experience ;)
heehee... cant even afford child labor. 2 of 3 hobby publications lose money and the one that profits takes years to break even before making dough.

For me to be able to afford hiring my first employee... I need to license my name, repackage kalkwassrer... put a few grains of Strontium Hex in a bottle of water and call it "coralline magic" and do some other ridiculous things first ;) Not going to happen... so poor and old looks like my destiny (actually... I'm not complaining. The good reef chat and free beers are frequent and flowing :))