Server Change

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
RF Premium Member
Jun 26, 2003
Mukilteo, WA
It's getting closer to that time when I will be moving our site ... so probably in the next week, likely the weekend of Oct 1st the site will be down for maybe a day as I will have a lot to do to move files and databases. Please bare with me and let's all hope it goes smoothly and trouble free during and after our move. And again, thanks for your patience.

Awesome, Chuck! We'll be keeping our fingers crossed for an easy and successful move!
Hey Chuck, How many buckets of saltwater do you have made up to keep the stuff alive during the move?
Is the whole site going barebottom?
Good luck man.
Good luck with the move Chuck! Hopefully things will go smoothly for you, Mojo and the Rf staff so that you'll won't be too stressed (LOL) It's a really great site you guys got here and I'm sure it will keep getting better with all of the hard work and effort you guys put into it for all of our enjoyment and pleasure....It's not a problem with me if you guys need to raise the monthly Premium membership fee to help pay for some of these things (LOL) We'll just let September's MOTM Jiddy, handle it for everyone this time seiing that he is such a good sport and was the only one to successfully restart his post count which probably caused the server issues anyway (LOL) Just Kidding Jiddy :lol:
Hey Chuck.. Hope the Move goes smoothly... Are you guys going to a dedicated server or??? If you need any help or if there is anything I can do please let me know... I have had to move our site a few times due to the Crummy hosting providers... I have since found a nice solid provider..

Thanks for the offer of help. We are going from one dedicated server to a more powerful dedicated server ... I am working it fine so far. We host 5 sites actually and I have 3 moved over already :) This one will be the last one to move next weekend :)

I will contact you if I need help, but so far so good so far :)
No problem... I kinda figured you had it under control but thought It would be nice to offer my assistance if needed...

We have faith in you, Chuck. :) Thanks for all of the hard work!
Out of the 5 sites, I have 4 on the new server ... all that is left is ... of course it is much larger than all 4 of those sites put together ... it will likely occur on Saturday the 1st ... that is the current plan, sooooo, plan to be away from your computer a bit next weekend while I work it all out ... if it doesn't take place, I will of course let everyone know that as well.
Just a bump to remind everyone that Saturday (the 1st) the site will likely be down for most of the day ... I hope it is a short time before it is back up and running ....
Another Bump...

Don't forget we're moving servers tomorrow.....
NNOOO !!! :eek:
what am i gonna do the whole day eh, don't you see that i'm addicted to this website and you are gonna take it away from me for a day !!! :cry: . :D
Good luck Chuck just don't delete all our nonsence :D