Setting up a 130gal

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May 18, 2008
I have had many tanks over the years but they have mostly been on the smaller side. Most were small reef tanks and a 75gal. I am currently setting up a 130g for my parents but have had a bit of bad luck.

The starter fish (blue damsels) all got ick within the first week. Everything in the tank proceeded to die the next week. The tank is being set up in Hawaii and being that it is summer the tank is getting up to 85degrees!!!!!! Soo a chiller is the next step. Should I wait to get the chiller before attempting to start the tank again? Any tips? About how many starter fish do I need to get this size of a tank ready? About how long for the set up (2 months)?
You don't need any fish to get the tank cycling. Just put in some live rock and add a little chunk of frozen shrimp or something to decay (even that may not be necessary due to die off from the LR). If your tank temp is hitting eighty five degrees already, then you probably need to get a chiller before proceeding. Another option is to place a fan blowing across the top of the aquarium, the added evaporation will help cool things off a bit.
It could take a couple of months for an aquarium that size to cycle. The only way to know "for sure" is to test the water regularly; the shifts in water chemistry associated with the cycling process are pretty predictable and a good indicator that it's safe to start slowly adding fish.
In order to get the best help from the more klnowlegable people here it would be helpful if you would tell us a little more about your setup. Is this a reef or fish only and how much live rock are you using? are you using fully cured LR or are you curing it yourself?
dls05f - Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!!

I also wouldn't use "starter" fish to begin your cycle. As was mentioned, you can simply use live rock that is uncured to start the cycle, or a piece of shrimp. Anything that will decay. You will save your "starter" fish a lot of stress trying to survive during the cycle process if you go the different route, and if you weren't planning on keeping the fish, then you won't have to worry about catching them.

What were you planning to keep? What other equipment were you thinking about using?

I would suggest getting a chiller also. If you have plans of using halide lighting fixtures, then this would only increase the already high temperature. Make sure not to have your top covered with any kind of glass (some tanks come with glass covers). This also will increase the temperature. Use fans blowing on the water for evaporative cooling, and see where that puts you. You'll probably need to invest in a chiller sooner rather than later.
Thanks for the help guys! I never knew you could cycle a tank with a piece of shrimp... although it does make sense now that I think about it. As of now the tank is set up with standard florecents. Because of this there is no live rock in the tank. Is this the way to go? As I said before I am used to dealing with reef tanks with the proper lighting. My parents plan on just keeping fish for now. No inverts or coral in the near future. The tank is set up with 2 overflow units, about a 30gal sump tank, 4 power heads and a protein skimmer (not running now). The tank fits into a cove in the house and should look really nice when it is set up!

Thanks for all your help Ill keep an eye on the water chem. If anyone has any other tips feel free to let me know. Hopefully Ill have some nice pics to post at the end of the summer!
as long as you cycle the tank, and then slowly introduce fish, you should be ok..

do you have test kits? Refractometer? A chiller is probly good for liveing in Hawaii, but a fan blowning at the water will work wounders, The more open area (water) the better the cooling, auto top off will help as well.
"A" test kit is bad....

Test kits(s)<----- are good...

a fish only tank is really eazy to keep. but seting up is no diffrent.