setting up a 90g reef

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Oct 7, 2005
Bay Area, California
This is my first attempt at a reef tank. Want to keep SPS predominantely with some soft corals also. Also looking to have some fish (8-10). So my question is...what should my setup consist of, i.e. lights,filtration, refuge, etc..? Also, if anyone has a setup they are willing to part with, I'd be interested. Thanks.

Jid I am sure for the right price he will drive right up there. haha
Oh my bad, I thought that the 'yes' on the end of you 1st post there was refering to you have a 90g system that you would be willing to part with. I will stop talking now. :lol:
QUESTION: So my question is...what should my setup consist of, i.e. lights,filtration, refuge, etc..?

ANSWER: MH 2or3 250watters, ASM g-3 Skimmer, yes
Good catch on the 90g that is just sittin in my garage not doing anything

WAY TO BE A WINGMAN :badgrin: :badgrin:
Welcome to RF addicted2reefer! Do you already have the 90gal and if so, is it glass or acrylic? You said that this was your first attempt at reef...Does that mean it is your first attempt at saltwater in general. If so, get as much info as you can be jumping in. You don't want to regret anything which you should have done later. I've personally never kept corals...Just fish. However, I know there are quite a few options out there and a few things that are manditory. If you could, give us a litle more info on what you already have, if anything yet. Good luck with the new setup!
addicted2reefer said:
This is my first attempt at a reef tank. Want to keep SPS predominantely with some soft corals also. Also looking to have some fish (8-10). So my question is...what should my setup consist of, i.e. lights,filtration, refuge, etc..? Also, if anyone has a setup they are willing to part with, I'd be interested. Thanks.


In My honest opinion 3 things come to mind. Good lighting, a good skimmer, and quality live rock. Oh the most important thing is to read read read and read all that you can. Also in a SPSs dominanted tank you will need to supplement by either dripping dosing or get a good Calcium reactor as SPS will depeat your calcium level. Circulation is a must also, 30 or 40 times turnover. Other go more or less. Just My 2 cents worth.

Hi Krish. All I have is an ALL GLASS 90g with matching stand and canopy. I've got a Euro Reef skimmer coming as soon as the guy at our local aquarium says I can get it. Also, I have a 30g that I was going to turn into a sump with refugium, but unsure if this will be sufficient. But that's it.
I did have a 40g, all fish, saltwater setup years ago, but the tank was wired overseas and caught on fire. Haven't had the heart to start a new one until now. Thanks to you and everyone else in advance for any help.
You've got the same tank as me...All glass 90 gal (should we be happy eventhough it's not acrylic LOL) They say with the lighting on tanks our size you are going to want something a little stronger that can penetrate the tanks depth if you are keeping marine life that require it at the bottom. Most people just put the things that need the most light at the top and the ones that need less at the bottom...However, it doesn't always work that way. I think you will get all the help you will need and will be successful. A lot of great help around here. Don't mind my post count as I am still learning. It is no indication that I know a lot (LOL). Good luck with it as I will be tagging along and adding my 2 cents when I can. You will be doing a little better than me with the sump size for sure, because I think at full capacity my sump is only about 15 gal give or take a few.
I hope so Kris. I am so eager to start, i can taste it. It's hard to get on here and then go back and look at that empty tank. Don't even have any of the plumbing or even the bulkheads in yet and it's a sad sight. Thinking about putting an enlarged picture of someone elses tank in there just to calm my nerves. I knew it would be tough, but not this tough to decide on equipment, livestock, etc...So confused!!!!!
Rob :confused:
I know the feeling, but don't get too antsy. You don't want to regret anything. My tank would have been up for 11 weeks this Sunday, and no fish yet. I'm trying to be patient so I don't regret anything, but I think by next week, we'll see some fish in there. What I did to make me feel like I was getting somewhere, was once the tank got on the stand, I added my water and let my cannister filter circulate the water. I added some sand and had an old wet/dry (which I got rid of for a new one I had made) hooked up also for circulation. I just let it run and added as I got everything else. I felt like I was getting somewhere because I had water!!! and it was clear!(LOL) I like doing things like this sometimes because then you can take your time and sort out any little problems that may arise along the way...Like a leaking tank etc. I added my new sump another week, I added my new skimmer another week, I added my new 50/50 bulbs to my hoods (which will be changed to pc's as I have new aqualights already ordered to replace them), added some LR another time, a little more substrate another time, 2 new Seio powerheads another time, all while my water is aging and cycling. I didn't feel like the wait was forever for me like that because if I waited to get every every thing, it would be 11 weeks later and nothing setup. I didn't take it too far incase I needed to change something, but just enough to keep me occupied.
Good luck again with your setup and don't forget to ask, ask, ask whatever questions you have. The members here are really nice and don't get tired of helping!
Previously posted by Rob
All I have is an ALL GLASS 90g

I think he has an All-glass 90 (like the company) from my understanding and not an "all glass" (just made out of glass 90) Ken, but I could be wrong. Is your 90 Ken then same as all glasses (48x18x24)? Your tank rocks!!! Don't show Rob because he is already impatient(LOL).