Setting up tank 55 gallon let me know what you think

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Apr 15, 2008
I have a 55 gallon 4' x 1' x 16" I got a Hot-1+ protein skimmer with maxi jet 1200
I have a 2 whisper double overflow turbo 5 though plan on only using one. powerhead 201. I bought an Aro 440w ballast that currently has two 110w actinic daytimes w/self refletors and two 10000k actinic w/self reflectors though I have yet to make a hood or mount for endcaps. I have 30 lbs of crushed coral and am buying 50 more lbs of live sand. I plan on buying 50-80 lbs of live rock to cycle the tank initially and then I am going to buy another 50-80 once the tank is half cycled so I don't overload the tank. Plan on having a few hardy fish to cycle then going on to hermit crabs and other sandsifters. Tell me whats wrong with what I'm doing or tell me what more I should do.
I'd NOT cycle with fish. A couple of reasons. Usually people use some type of Damsel. They're very hardy and usually survive the cycle...though it's VERY hard on them. Some would even call it cruel. That's one reason. The other reason is that once your tank is cycled, now you have MEAN, NASTY Damsels who have already established territories. Makes it very hard to keep other fish from getting stressed later. It's also almost impossible to catch MEAN NASTY Damsels in a tank full of live rock.

There are much better ways to cycle a tank. Check out lots of different threads on this forum and the most important thing I can tell you and you'll hear it A LOT more....BE PATIENT. VERY PATIENT!!!

Oh and welcome to this incredibly habit forming hobby!!!
I learned my lesson with the damsel's after a friend got me into the hobby with buying one of his tanks from him, when I first started 2 years ago !!! I won't tread in that water again after that ordeal. lol
AS Sid said, Damsels arent necessary. Put a raw shrimp in the tank for a couple days if your in that big of a hurry to get an ammonia spike to start a cycle. Otherwise the LR will do it all on its own. Also, I dont htink you'll be happy with 160lbs of LR in a 55. Thats about what I have in my 120. Start with 80 and see how that looks. What kind of corasl are you going to keep and what are you doing for flow?
yeah the live rock should get it going just fine, but I've also added fish to systems as small as 10 gallons within 3 days. you just have to keep a close eye on the system and make sure you rock is cured well
I have a 55 with a mag 350, a whisper 60 overflow and 4 powerheads. 80lbs will be plenty and if set up good will look good too. I have just over 50lbs of rock in my tank. I have crushed coral substrate.

Don't cycle with a damsel. I did.. and still have it as it is very hard to catch. He has also survived a tank killing electrical shock... all the other fish(6 in total) did not survive... So that is another reason he is still in there... couldn't bring myself to tank him out. He is a surviver. So... I would just cycle the tank with the rock... and be patient.