Sexy shrimp

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Really depends on the tank you are planning to put them in. I have seen some folks with them in their little pico tanks and they are a pretty cool addition. However, they make a good snack for a lot of fish. So I guess what I am saying is, what are the rest of the details of the tank?
29g nano cube. I'm only going to have 2-3 fish, so I've been looking at different inverts to add a little more life to the tank. I only have experience with cleaner and peppermint shrimp. I'm also considering harlequin, but don't know much about them besides their diet of starfish.

I want it to be something that is out and about vs. just hiding under a rock until the lights go out like the peppermints I had. I didn't even realize they were still alive until I broke down my tank and found them under a rock.
29 might be too large too consistently enjoy them. They have about a half inch of actual body mass to them.
Man I got one and didnt know the size!! Once I saw him I was sure he was going to be fish food or chopped up be my pumps (it was small but feisty). Well 4 months later he is still smaller than anything else I have in the tank BUT he is the only serviver of my tank crash, he moves so fast when it pops it tail you never see where it goes, and it's been a VERY nice "Did you see that" when company comes over. At first I would say "Don't" but now I have to say I enjoy Mine.
Sexy Shrimp are great, as long as you don't want Zoanthids!

We read all the warnings, about the possibilities of them damaging Zoanthids, but decided to try them anyway, in Angie's 24 gallon Aquapod. We got 5. At first, they'll hide a lot. Once they're used to the tank, they're out a lot, very visible. They love to sit on Frogspawn corals, Candy Cane corals, etc. However, they will destroy your Zoanthids!! Zoanthids were more important to us, than Sexy Shrimp, so we got rid of them. Unfortunately, they destroyed a lot of very nice Zoanthids. Since getting rid of them, and adding more Zoanthids, the polyps are doing great!
I've been having a little STN on my SPS and had noticed that the Sexy S was in the area that the STN (Slow Tissue Necrosis) was occuring, could it be the cause???

Well, do some reading up on them. I'd found lots of people who'd had them eat their zoanthids and lots of people who had not had any issues. Unfortunately, we became the people who had Never had any issues with the SPS, though we only had a couple SPS in the tank. Harlequins will require Starfish to eat. Brittle stars will not work. It has to be "tube footed" starfish. This might be difficult, and get a bit expensive. Though Harlequins are amazing. Eventually, I'd like to get a pair.
I have sexy shrimps in my 180 and my deep sea nano ..they love to host a bunch of things..from
Anemones,shrooms even montis..never touched a zoanthid..and i have them and are always great addition..very feisty..