Shells , increase or decerease calc levels ?

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Jul 12, 2007
new york
Hi all

I have a good amount of shells in my marine tanks , all kinds. By having the shells in the water does it increase the calcium in my tank or decrease ?

would appreciate any answers
In the long run they would probably increase your calcium ... but you may have to be very young if you want to see that happen in your life time.

Thanx alot guys. i just thought i heard shells where made stronger and bigger from using calcium. ?

Guess its time to research the shell. thanx for the advice
Thanx alot guys. i just thought i heard shells where made stronger and bigger from using calcium. ? /quote]

Well critters that actually own/grow shells do that (clams etc) .. not "dead" shells laying around in your tank nor hermit crabs which "borrow" shells laying around.
Living Shells do grow by absorbing or using Calcium from the water. However, a dead shell will just lay your Ca falls below a certain level, then the dead shell will slowly dissolve, releasing Ca into the water. Once the Ca rises to a certain level, the shell will stop dissolving, until Ca levels once again fall below the level. This is how "buffers" work.
shells just laying on the bottom of your tank will only add Ca if the surrounding waters ph drops to the low 7's or lower. if your tank water is in the PH range to dissolve calcium carbonate you have other serious problems to worry about.

so the answer is no, they will not add or take away Ca in a tank that's PH is at or close to NSW PH.

also calcium carbonate substrates have little to no buffering capacity

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