Sherman Tank 120

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wwouu dood just woou... you're tank looks awesome no matter what Jason :D .... by the way how is Paige :D ? you need to update the thread hehe :)
hey that's awesome :D !!

omg !!! she's getting so big :eek:, she looks so so so cute in that cheerleader outfit :D.
my son has the same tricicle that she's got (in color red of course :lol: :p) it's a nice tricicle i just wish it had something where you can push them when they're learning :p:)
Jason, Tank looks awesome!:) Have a question about your build. When you painted the back using the four different colors, did it take just one can of each color or multiple cans?
The only color that took anywhere near a full can was the black, and that's only because I put a few coats of black over the whole thing when I was done. Each of the other colors used maybe 10% of the can, at best.
hmmmm, ok thanx:) I guess I've been using the wrong kinda paint, I used black metallic and its taken two cans and I can still see light thru the back. Maybe I should just get a can of gloss black and and do a coat or two :)
I finally got my pair of black clowns (I can't ever remember, it's ocellaris, right?) Anyway, these were a rescue from another tank tear down. They're reported to have already spawned there. The female still has a few orange warrior markings, but the male is as black as I've ever seen, all the way to the tip of the nose and mouth. Now if they'd just check out that anemone, we'd be set. :)


Cute. The little female needs some lessons on putting on makeup. It does look like war paint.
So only a couple weeks after finally getting the fish I've been waiting 4 years for... it's a sad day. I'm in the process of taking the Sherman Tank down. I've been fighting this realization for many months, knowing it would come. I just finally decided to pull the trigger. Call it money, call it time, call it stress by being OWNED by a hobby... it's time. For now, I'll put a little effort into the ShermaNano. We'll see how long that lasts. It's been an interesting 4+ years, and I've learned a LOOOT, especially from forums like this one.

So... here lies what will surely be the final full tank shot of this project.
Sorry to hear about the getting out of the big tank. I completely understand

Very,very nice tank.
i can't believe such a beautiful tank is coming down :( (can i have your background dood:D :lol: :p) ...well i'm glad you're keeping the nano :).
Such a shame! Looks like your tank is right where you want it and then its over. Always hard to let go :(

Good luck in the future.
Actually, Bojangles, that's the very problem. I've never really enjoyed this tank. It's always just been there. In just over a year, I've never been relaxed and just ENJOYED it. There's always been something to optimize, fix, maintain, blah blah. Even so, yes, it's so hard to let go. I just posted my For Sale thread at my own forums... one of the hardest "submit thread" clicks I've ever made.

I learned quite a bit from this tank, that's for sure. If I'm ever back into the hobby (and I wouldn't mind someday when it's more financially feasible), I won't do it at all unless I can do it all the way, the way I want. There's a lot to be said for doing it right without compromise. Closed loop with flow randomizer, external overflow, top notch skimmer, more lighting than the power company knows what to do with, yadda yadda.

Maybe someday. For now, I'll stop making the power company rich and use all that time and money in other activities. I have a two year old who needs a kick butt kids back yard right now. :)