ok here are some to keep you busy,
some are linkable some arent. I will post the abstract from the unlinkable ones for you.
Aquacultural Engineering
Volume 27, Issue 3 , March 2003, Pages 159-176
Water quality and nutrient budget in closed shrimp (Penaeus monodon)
Dhirendra Prasad Thakurm4.cor*m4.cor*, mailto:
[email protected]:
[email protected], a, b and C. Kwei Lina
Nutrient budget revealed that shrimp could assimilate only 23–31% nitrogen and 10–13% phosphorus of the total inputs. The major source of nutrient input was feed, shrimp feed accounted for 76–92% nitrogen and 70–91% phosphorus of the total inputs. The major sinks of nutrients were in the sediment, which accounted for 14–53% nitrogen and 39–67% phosphorus of the total inputs.
Water Research
Volume 36, Issue 4 , February 2002, Pages 1007-1017
Phosphorus Budget as a water quality management tool for Closed aquatic mesocosms
Awesome Article in how the St. Lawrence Mesocosm at the Montreal Biodome have dealt with nitrates and phosphate reductions. It seems that they have tried for the last ten years to try to remedy the amounts of phosphates and nitrates in their setup. After close controlled experiments and nutrient removal they have developed what they feel as the only reliable reduction process and that’s using Large mechanical filters and cleaning them regularly and sucking out the detritus with an underwater vacuum cleaner.
Advances in Environmental Research
Volume 6, Issue 2 , March 2002, Pages 135-142
Field measurements of SOD and sedimenthit2hit2 nutrient hit1hit1fluxe****3hit3 in a land-locked embayment in Hong Kong
K. W. Chaum4.cor*m4.cor*, mailto:
[email protected]:
[email protected]
Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
It is logical that sediments in eutrophic water may contain enormous amounts of phosphorus existing in both organic and inorganic forms. Under aerobic conditions, a thin aerobic layer with a thickness of a few millimetres covering the sediments exists, which has been determined to be one of the factors contributing to the assimilation capacity of phosphorus. (Promeroy et al., 1965) When the condition changes to anaerobic, the ferric compounds are reduced and the sorption capacity substantially decreases. A free exchange of dissolved substances between the sediments and the overlying water takes place. Under such conditions, phosphorus will be gradually released into the overlying water.
Compared with phosphorus, the process of nitrogen release from sediments is more complicated since it involves the inter-conversion of a larger number of nitrogen species. It was noticed that ammonia nitrogen was, among others, the key form of nitrogen released from the sediment, which agreed well with results reported by Boynton et al. (1980). The release of a high concentration of ammonia nitrogen from the sediment is the result of the decomposition of organic nitrogen, which previously accumulated continuously in the sediment. The concentration of nitrate-nitrite nitrogen was found to be low since it can be released from or absorbed into the sediment, depending on the concentration gradient across the interface between sediment and water. When the external nutrient loadings or sources were gradually decreased and removed from Tolo Harbour, sediment previously enriched with nitrogen could still release sufficient nitrogen quantities to support the growth of plankton and hence improvement of water quality could not be achieved immediately.
It is also noted that the sediment release rate measurements are of the same order as those computed independently from a diagenesis model (Lee and Feleke, 1999).
Water Science & Technology Vol 42 No 3-4 pp 265–272 © IWA Publishing 2000
Non-steady variations of SOD and phosphate release rate due to changes in the quality of the overlying water
T Inoue*, Y Nakamura** and Y Adachi***
* Department of Maritime Systems Engineering, Kyushu University, 6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan
** Port and Harbour Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, 3-1-1 Nagase, Yokosuka, 239-0826, Japan
*** Department of Maritime Systems Engineering, Kyushu University, 6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan
A dynamic model, which predicts non-steady variations in the sediment oxygen demand (SOD) and phosphate release rate, has been designed. This theoretical model consists of three diffusion equations with biochemical reactions for dissolved oxygen (DO), phosphate and ferrous iron. According to this model, step changes in the DO concentration and flow velocity produce drastic changes in the SOD and phosphate release rate within 10 minutes. The vigorous response of the SOD and phosphate release rate is caused by the difference in the time scale of diffusion in the water boundary layer and that of the biochemical reactions in the sediment. Secondly, a negative phosphate transfer from water to sediment can even occur under aerobic conditions. This is caused by the decrease in phosphate concentration in the aerobic layer due to adsorption.
Jaubert J., Marchioretti M., Priouzeau F., 1995. Carbon and calcium budgets in a semi-closed coral mesocosm. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Coral Reef Symposium, 289-293 (Boston, USA: April 1993).
Jaubert J., 1989. An integrated nitrifying-denitrifying biological system capable of purifying seawater in a closed circuit aquarium. Bull. Inst. Océanogr. Monaco. 5: 101-106
Boudreau B.P., Jørgensen, B.B., 2000. The Benthic Boundary Layer: Transport Processes and Biogeochemistry. Oxford University Press © 2000